ViewportFrame rendering issue

I have an issue where the ViewportFrame isnt rendering some meshes correctly.

They are single meshes, yet they have missing bodyparts/faces in the viewportframe… Looks like the mesh is not fully loaded, faces missing from the geometry. Only some of the meshes do this, others working correctly. This issue is only in the viewportframe, in the Workspace the mesh is fine. (For example equipping a pet, the mesh looks as it should, it has no missing parts/faces.).

These are custom meshes, made in blender, all have the same texture and size/scale, only the uv is different. Any idea what might cause this? Might be a modeling related problem? Why is the mesh fine in Workspace but not in a ViewportFrame?

Thanks in advance!

Try setting the mesh to be double sided

I tried it already and didnt work sadly, also checked for clipping (changed the model cframe in the viewport) and didnt help either.

Here is an example, of how some meshes look in the ViewportFrame:


This is a single mesh, has no other parts, yet rendering like this. It only does this in the ViewportFrame, in the workspace it looks fine. (Tried equipping it, and simply just dragging it from the gui to workspace, both worked)

I tried parenting the model to the WorldModel, didnt help. Changed the Camera and Model CFrame to check if its a clipping issue or something, didnt help. I checked face orientation for the mesh, and all correct. All faces are joined in the mesh.

Weirdest thing is its only happening on some meshes.

Anyone has any idea what might cause this?

I’ve seen this happen when your meshes are vertex painted.

Super annoying bug. The hack I’ve found to make this work is you set a TextureId property on the mesh with a 1x1 white pixel element on it.

We should probably ask Roblox to fix this.

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