ViewportFrames Lower Frame Rate At Any Graphical Setting

Reproduction Steps

At some point Viewports lower in frame rate seemingly on purpose even when the experience fps is optimal.

It seems to occur consistently when in a place with a high-part count.
High script performance/rate does not cause this issue.

System Information:
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G4600 @ 3.60GHz, 8 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Expected Behavior

Within the game currently (Proper to Highlight Instances coming out) We use overlaid ViewportFrames to display items/buildings with certain properties.

Previously, this proved fine and even in intense moments, Viewports did not stutter and remained steady at any graphical setting.

Actual Behavior

As of recently, Viewports now stutter and update at a significantly lower framerate, this effect is much more notable at lower graphical settings, completely breaking the effect and other effects outside of this (ex: Displaying items elsewhere).

Regardless of where the camera is positioned, this effect occurs (even in a location void of any visible instance)

On low graphics, the frame rate of viewports appear to be extremely low:

On high graphics, still occurs but at a slightly higher rate:


One workaround would be for us to use a different method altogether to achieve this effect if this is intended behavior. Though it is very limiting that this is a uncontrollable property.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Sorry we missed this :frowning: but I wanted to circle back. Are you still experiencing the issue?

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I am not the post owner, however I am having this exact problem, it is based off your graphics settings.

I think that that’s the intention. They intentionally make graphics look worse for performance on lower graphics settings, to allow as many people to play as possible, but I don’t think you should be using ViewportFrames for this. They have a far worse graphical quality, and weren’t designed for being the main part of a scene:

For the stuff they were designed for, an FPS cap like it has now is fine. What the OP was talking about was a far lower cap that occurred suddenly, instead of it being low-FPS in general. You’d be better off making a feature request.

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Getting in touch with the engineers!

Thank you for bringing your concerns regarding the ViewportFrames feature to our attention. After reviewing your use case, it appears that the way you’re utilizing ViewportFrames deviates from their intended design and purpose. ViewportFrames are not optimized for rendering massive objects or serving as the main component of a scene due to performance constraints. They are designed to handle smaller, less complex visual elements.

The issue you’re experiencing with lower frame rates, especially at lower graphical settings, is partly due to our platform’s efforts to optimize performance for a wide range of devices and settings. This optimization might result in reduced graphical quality under certain conditions to ensure a smooth experience for as many users as possible.

Given these limitations, we suggest exploring alternative methods to achieve your desired visual effects. If your project requires capabilities beyond what ViewportFrames currently offer, we encourage you to submit a feature request. This way, our development team can consider your needs in future updates and enhancements.

We understand this might not be the resolution you were hoping for, but we hope this clarification helps you in finding a suitable alternative for your project.


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