Vintage home scene for an upcoming horror game

Hey y’all! I am currently working on an upcoming horror game of mine and started by creating the base scene of the game. What do you think so far?

Constructive criticism is accepted. Thank you!


really good tho but the room seem too blank for me, for a horror game i guess you should put some scary thing to decorate

For now, I’d love to keep it simple, slowly escalate, and make it seem scarier. I would like to keep a connection to real-life architecture and not venture out to extremely imaginary horror-y stuff. Thanks for the feedback, though!

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A very good scene to scare any person, Let’s give feedback!

  • I saw objects and shadows on walls and this started the scary scene
  • The shadows rotated or some scary sound then u can close the lights on the lantern and if u have a monster thing this thing appears in shadow then this scene ends.
  • U can add darker Atmosphere effect(Fog in lightning) and scary ambiance
  • Camera shaking in the scene

I give the ideas and this feedback thanks ;D

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