Vip server questions

I have few questions about getting info about server (most oriented on getting info about vip servers)

  1. How can i detect via script if actual server is vip or public
  2. How can i get userid of owner of actual vip server
  3. Is there any way how to get vip server on own game for free (because testing reason), or do I need to buy it and give 30% of it’s price to roblox

#1 and #2 are both listed on the developer pages.

Specifically, PrivateServerId and PrivateServerOwnerId

#3, you cannot get a free VIP server. You can use a reserved server teleport to simulate one, however it won’t have an owner.


There is an existing feature request for creators having the ability to create their own VIP servers for free. You can support it here.


But privateserverid is returning id of VIP or reserved server I need to get bool VIP with true if it is VIP and false if NOT and according to this bool make easter eggs on the map, …

Well, if you read the actual documentation, the PrivateServerOwnerId has a code sample for doing this.

local function getServerType()
	if game.PrivateServerId ~= "" then
		if game.PrivateServerOwnerId ~= 0 then
			return "VIPServer"
			return "ReservedServer"
		return "StandardServer"

Ok, that is good, and now rare situation, when VIP server owner get permanent ban so his account will delete, will owner id be his id or 0 or the server will delete too

Do you mean roblox ban, or your own ban system? If it’s your own ban system, owner id will be equal to the owner’s id. If it’s a roblox ban, I’m unsure in this case but I assume it’ll still be the same userid until the server expires.

I am speaking about deleting account so roblox ban, but what do you mean with

VIP Servers are subscriptions. When that subscription expires, I doubt roblox will still charge a terminated account. If the account is simply banned, the vip server probably wouldn’t be modified. If the account is terminated, the VIP server will either last until it’s payment expires or it’ll be deleted. I’m unsure how roblox handles this, but you don’t really need to worry about it. If someone is able to join a VIP server, then the owner’s userid will still have to be shown.

Ok and for how long is the subscription (because question 3)

VIP Servers last for a month, then they have to be repaid. If you want to buy a real VIP server, and your game isn’t popular/public, you could just decrease the vip server price as low as it can go and then buy it to minimize loss.

And I really don’t understand private servers so can I set owner to them to act it is VIP

No, you cannot. Reserved servers are like VIP servers, but they don’t have an owner.

And when the game have got few players, but don’t give me many robux, is it correct to write everywhere “Do NOT buy VIP servers” and I make VIP whitelist only. If not, is possible to give every player 10 robux back, because it will be cheaper than making VIP server for 10 000 robux, because I want to give owner some admin permission, but I don’t want to give them “debug only” commands like free command execute (clear lua), but I want to give them permission to appeal bans for trolling (of course the appeal is only for this correct VIP server)
So I need to test security without ability to join VIP server.

I honestly don’t understand what you’re asking at all.

If it is correct to make whitelist to VIP server so nonadmin player can’t join VIP server. Else if I can refound 10 robux to the nonadmin player, that did it.

Are you asking whether or not you should add a whitelist to VIP servers? If that’s the case, you shouldn’t. You can’t refund players on roblox without losing money.

So I can refound them or I can refound without tax

If you try to refund someone, you will lose money. Roblox doesn’t provide a way to refund someone.

You can create a test server, this way you don’t need one.