Virus in my game despite the game being completely empty

  1. What do you want to achieve? Remove a virus in my game

  2. What is the issue? I searched everywhere in my game, theres nothing

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I made a copy of the game and deleted every single thing, and the game is still somehow requiring a virus. I turned off HTTPService, and the virus is still there.

I checked the model it was requiring, it indeed was a virus. (The require only gets triggered while in a real game, not in studio)

These are the plugins I have (all trusted):

If anyone wants to check the empty copy with the virus, heres the game:
gamewithvirus.rbxl (41.3 KB)


Do you have any other third-party plugins installed in the Plugin Dir?

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no, its only the ones i showed

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Found your culprit, its hiding inside InsertService.
To get rid of it, you simply have to type game.InsertService.Script:Destroy() in your Studio’s Command Bar.


this is malware’s source… i’m done


Might want to delete that forum mods won’t like seeing that


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