Virus in my game

There is a virus that keeps getting inserted into my game that doesn’t have free models.

--This an script of ROBLOX Studio. Do not delete it, this script secures your game from exploiters.



This is the module it keeps putting in :


The issue is probably from a plugin. Delete any plugins that look suspicious to you.

I have no suspicious plugins, I’ve used the plugins I used for years without error or viruses.

Should I try to remove the plugins that don’t show in the Plugins tab?

Maybe it’s from a new plugin you got? Or maybe the creator of an already existing plugin went rogue.

Have you tried fixing it by using Ro Defender plugin to remove the virus or any virus remover plugin in roblox?

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I haven’t yet as of right now so I’ll try.

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As of now, I’ve disabled every single plugin I have and it said.

[22:43:40.117 - Baseplate auto-recovery file was created](rbxopenfile://C:/Users//OneDrive/Documents/ROBLOX/AutoSaves)

[22:43:43.210 - Unable to find module for asset id](rbxopenscript://

22:43:43.210 - Stack Begin

[22:43:43.212 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 169207 - field ?](rbxopenscript://

[22:43:43.212 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6 - field ?](rbxopenscript://

[22:43:43.212 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6](rbxopenscript://

22:43:43.212 - Stack End

[22:43:43.213 - Luraph Script:1: Unable to find module for asset id](rbxopenscript://

22:43:43.213 - Stack Begin

[22:43:43.213 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6](rbxopenscript://

[22:43:43.214 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6 - local iIiiIIIi1lIiilliIII](rbxopenscript://

[22:43:43.214 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6 - method dab](rbxopenscript://

[22:43:43.214 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Script', Line 7](rbxopenscript://

22:43:43.215 - Stack End

[22:43:43.215 - Luraph Script:1: Unable to find module for asset id](rbxopenscript://

22:43:43.215 - Stack Begin

[22:43:43.216 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6 - field ?](rbxopenscript:// (x2)

[22:43:43.216 - Script 'Model.MainModule', Line 6](rbxopenscript://

22:43:43.216 - Stack End

Which the module uses a Luraph decoder which it says Luraph Script inside of it.

Now it’s just gone… Might as well try out every single plugin to see if one inserts the virus.

I had it, it is this one : because I was trying one at a time and this one produced the error that was in the output thing I sent.

Just install it and see that this supposedly culprit is the culprit of that.

yea be careful of using plugins many of them have back-doors. And yea I would suggest snooping through the scripts to see exactly like legendary did

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Wait, how do you even look inside of the plugin’s scripts?

I’ve traced the malware chain back to a copylocked asset by the same user. I assume he only puts it on sale when he wants to go wreak havoc in an unsuspecting someone’s world.

Just replace the global require function with a function that prints out its arguments. lol

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By replacing the require function before the obfuscated code runs, you can see what the obfuscated script is trying to load.

It’s as simple as this:

require = print