Virus Scripts in a game

So this is about a few strange scripts I found on my friends game, he did not plant these the last owner did and Im wondering what these scripts can really do?

Can these scripts steal accounts or I don’t need can someone help, of course I will delete this game all together so no further things can happen.

Also to say there are thousands in the models1212

To clear things out, you cannot steal an account from a game. You would either need an access to the owner’s email or a backdoor access of some sorts on Roblox’s end (which is highly improbable).

This looks like a simple lagger and a backdoor access to your game made by an incompetent person. I don’t even know what the point of this is, but the second part is nothing more than a backdoor access where the exploiter can chat “/sc t” and it will say that MayorZombieKing is the owner, followed by some garbage.

It looks like they all have the same name which is just a blank string. Try running this once and it will help if they are all within the workspace:

local desct = workspace:GetDescendants()
local lt = tick()
for i,v in next, desct do
    if v.Name == "" then

If this doesn’t help, you will have to deal manually.

Also, this was probably caused by an infected plugin. Check all the plugins you and your friend have and remove the bad one.

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The script looks like something written by a beginner looking to annoy you or the previous developers. Even if you type “/sc t” in chat it will try to create an invalid instance which just causes an error so none of the stuff after that line will do anything.

It looks like the text for was originally “Message” since it’s using the Text property which is a part of message and is setting that property to text. It’s most likely an old script which was modified in the future by a beginner who came across it and modified the “Message” bit without knowing it would change the functionality in the way it did.

I can’t see the full script and it looks like it may have some kind of admin commands (based on the names bit at the top) or something so you may want to delete them. You can either use the filter box in the explorer and type Script to filter for Scripts or write some code to find them and delete them based on their source code.

Also, backdoors in terms of Roblox cannot steal accounts, buy items, etc, they are limited to your game. They are usually inserted by malicious plugins (which also do not have access to anything but your game and cannot change anything on your computer).


Thank you for your help, I just got worried as I am new to scripts