VisBugMeshLock FFlag Overriding User Input

As of approximately ~1.5hr ago, our players with the VisBugMeshLock flag set to true have begun reporting the ability to use the ShiftLock camera feature when we’ve disabled this in our experience. The ShiftLock feature being enabled is preventing them from using a valuable feature in our game, the sprint feature. All users to report this issue are on PC.

A report from one of our users:

The affected experience in question:

Expected behavior

Users with this FFlag should not be able to use the ShiftLock feature when we’ve disabled it with in-game properties.


reported here too Shift lock override broken
seems to be happening for everyone on the version i posted


I can confirm this is also happening in my game. VisBugMeshLock = true (C++) is appearing on the top left corner of the screen, and pressing Shift locks the camera, even though my game has this behavior turned off.


Hi folks,

We believe this issue has been solved. If you are still experiencing this issue please restart your Roblox client.

If you have restarted your client and still run into this issue please let us know!

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The VisBugMeshLock = true (C++) message is gone now, but pressing Shift still locks the camera.

Even with the shiftlock option disabled on any game, I am still forced to use shiftlock

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I am having the same issue with this matter, and shiftlock is disabled on the game.
(Edit) It fixed automatically I believe, I am no longer having this issue!

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This is labeled as fixed, but ShiftLock is still turned on in my game, even though I have ShiftLock disabled.

Today I am no longer experiencing this issue!