VisBugMeshLock on Roblox client screen

Hey everyone, recently I’ve had this new UI popup on my screen on every game I go on using the Roblox client and was wondering if anybody else has experienced this and if so why?

Screenshot 2025-02-01 190422

Very confused on one why I have it and 2 what the use case behind it is.

Unsure if this is under the correct category, hopefully it is but yeah.


You should probably change this topic category to something else like #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support, or even #bug-reports:engine-bugs or otherwise you’ll likely get a warning by the Forum Moderator.

Have you tried reinstalling Roblox? That can probably help.

Also, are you using any mods(like Bloxstrap) and setting the fastflags that enables this to appear?

I had this yesterday and it randomly went away after joining a few games.


Hey so yeah I got some help from somebody and it turned out to be like a development branch for a test that happened and all clients should be updated back to the production branch also thank you for giving a better category for this.

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Just got this too, is there a fix for this yet?

edit: fixed automatically