Visible delay in volleyball system

Hello! I am having issues with delay in my volleyball system. For example, with blocking, it is very visible. Here is a video:

External Media

(Skip to 0:34) I use server physics, so that may be the problem, but Network Ownership doesn’t seem like a good idea because of the lag when switching owners. Help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Also here is a snippet from my local script:

	if char.Humanoid.FloorMaterial ~= Enum.Material.Air and char:GetAttribute("Mode") == "Block" and blockstarted == false then
	blockstarted = true
	local blockanim = char.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Block)
	local md = char.Humanoid.MoveDirection
	local lastmd = md
	local vf ="VectorForce")
	local att ="Attachment")
	att.Parent = char.HumanoidRootPart
	vf.Attachment0 = att
	vf.Parent = char.HumanoidRootPart
	vf.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World
	vf.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = true
	vf.Force = lastmd * 2000
	game.Debris:AddItem(vf, 1.5)
		game.Debris:AddItem(att, 1.5)
	char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
	if char:GetAttribute("Build") == "Tall" then
			local tallhb = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("HitBoxes").Tallhb:Clone()
			tallhb.Parent = char
			tallhb.Position = char.HumanoidRootPart.Position
			tallhb.WeldConstraint.Part0 = char.HumanoidRootPart
			game.Debris:AddItem(tallhb, 1.3)
			local olp =
			olp.CollisionGroup = "Ball"
			local balldetected = false
			while tallhb.Parent ~= nil do
				if balldetected == true then
				for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetPartsInPart(tallhb, olp)) do
					if v.Name == "GameBall" and v:GetAttribute("Active") then
						remmodule:FireServer("Block", v)
						balldetected = true

			local shorthb = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("HitBoxes").Shorthb:Clone()
			shorthb.Parent = char
			shorthb.Position = char.HumanoidRootPart.Position
			shorthb.WeldConstraint.Part0 = char.HumanoidRootPart
			game.Debris:AddItem(shorthb, 1.3)
			local olp =
			olp.CollisionGroup = "Ball"
			local balldetected = false
			while shorthb.Parent ~= nil do
				if balldetected == true then
				for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetPartsInPart(shorthb, olp)) do

					if v.Name == "GameBall" and v:GetAttribute("Active") then
						remmodule:FireServer("Block", v)
						balldetected = true

		char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
	blockstarted = false
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Also I forgot to mention that I am using EasyNetwork(a Remote module) instead of normal remote events. I`m not sure if that affects much, but I’ll just add it here just in case. I also use a module instead of just doing everything in a server script.

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Bump please help out i would really appreciate it

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Ping, you either accept it or fight it, as we all try to in gamedev.
It’s the reason sometimes you get shot through walls in the games, knifed over a kilometer away in MM2. There’s more to it.


  1. counter it with block events
    as soon as your player blocks, on his screen a ball he sees, he alters the ball immediately, no matter where on the screen of other players it is. that has to be synced via custom code, replication. it solves your issue and doesn’t require much effort. i’d start with that
  2. replication
    roblox replication is 20 frames per seconds with half a second buffer. that means each movement you see is half a second behind + ping. a lot of people are doing their own custom projects with custom character replication which gives more fps and faster reaction, yet that might be a bit of an overkill


ping will always matter and there is unfortunately no way to fully fix this right now, unless we get quantum computers with neuralink, like, asap.

key note: prioritize player input over any physics/gameplay as such games are always competitive, and that means they are active and engaging. and that is great for a roblox game.

Would I update the client ball by sending info from the server? Or how would I go about it?

Replication is the act of updating states from another client using the server as a transmitter.
Most simple example of this is:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local r ="RemoteEvent")
r.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player: Player, data: any?)
	if not data then
	for _, other_player: Player in Players:GetPlayers() do
		if other_player ~= player then
			-- :: call the update on another player.
			-- :: for example, i'd love to know which plr sent it
			-- :: as well as replicating the data!
			r:FireClient(other_player, player, data)

This is just for explanation purposes.
Use buffer libraries such as ByteNet. They are optimized and compress your data.
Netcode on ROBLOX 90% of times is the most important part of the solution, the game.

Wouldn’t that just be the same as just firing to the server? Or am I missing something?

A bit, server is used as a proxy while you solve the physics locally for each player. That is techically the best solution as it would be smoother and more defined for each client, no matter where the ball on their screen is. Yet, it sacrifices simplicity and may cause desync.
This is the solution if you are willing to go for creating the “custom physics” and battling desyncs.

Let’s start simple, of course.
Send client block collision CFrame through RemoteEvent on the ball’s touch.
Server sets the ball to that CFrame and adds velocity to it.
And it works.

Not perfect. Ball will ignore player on his screen due to ping, yet, eventually, the ball will be blocked and the issue is…
Solved? I guess that’s for you to decide on how much you’re willing to go into this. I’m gonna log off for today, thanks for listening to my TED talk.

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Is there any way I could fix the freezing?

Uhh, I have no idea which freezing you are talking about, can’t see your code nor any screenshots and haven’t yet learned how to read thoughts with the exact precision. Describe your issue more in depth I guess?

This issue

Also how do I use ByteNet? I don’t really understand the doccumentation

Nevermind i figured it out and, along with bigger hitboxes, it mostly fixed my issue

Glad to hear that, is it resolved now or you have other issues to fix?

Nah that is it for now, thanks for the help

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Actually, I have an issue with bumping after spiking. The delay is horrible

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