Visits data in the Developer Stats is currently broken

Since approximately 01:00 (stats time), all of my games have seen rapid falls in visits, whilst their concurrent counts are usual for the time of the day.

Average visit length stats are also unusual.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL:[placeid]/stats
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly


Experiencing the same issue. Seems like the past 6 data points are not accurate.

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Same exact experience. Similarly, average playtime was missing a few hours of data points.

Yup, I’m experiencing the same thing despite my player count actually being up.

Hi all:
Thanks for reporting the issue. It is due to our data processing is a little bit slow than expected. We are actively working on fixing the issue.


Hi all:
The issue has been fixed during the weekend. Please let us know if you still have any issue with the developer stats. Thanks!


This issue is happening again with visits showing inaccurate data going downhill.


I’m also having the same issue, I first noticed this last night


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Same thing here it started last night for me as well. It is also happening to my other game… I’m worried that at this time as my game is popping back up on peoples recommendations this will hurt the daily play time and less people will be shown it. This also seems to be affecting overall visits and I have already emailed ROBLOX. My game should’ve gotten 100K+ visits today like yesterday but it only appeared to get 50K though the active players have been higher than yesterday.

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UPDATE: It looks like the graph is slowly updating to normality because as said the servers are slow to collect and store the data. I have seen a 70K visit jump which makes sense if It was slowly updating.

@friedrich1717 I am not seeing this issue as fixed. Please re-open it. Charts do not correspond to actual CCU.

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Sorry for the inconvenience. The high volume during the weekend caused the processing being stuck again. We are actively working on fixing the issue and catch up the data.


Hi all:
The issue is fixed and the data is up to date. Please let us know if there is any further issue. We are working on a solution that could be more stable to show the realtime data.


Hey I’m not sure if it’s happening or not but due to it being the weekend and my hourly visits not updating on time is the heavy load on the server causing it again or is this simply a visual bug?

EDIT: It’s fixed it’s just slow to update.

It seems like this issue has started to re-occur again, the charts (which aren’t localised); had a drop in visits at 11 PM CST across all of our games. I’m not aware of any Roblox outages at this time.

I also have a secondary concern, we have a dataset of visits across all of our games in our company’s portfolio; we’re noticing that the increase in visits is lagging behind the change in CCUs; is the data processing lacking behind again?


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Seems like the whole creator dashboard is broken at this point, no matter what you do it shows “You have no experiences”

When i already have more than 50

When you open RobloxStudio.exe & go into the group games it shows the game so the issue is not from me. It’s clearly from ROBLOX.

Updates : it broke even more

now shows avatar items in experience and experiences in avatar items
