Visual scripting plugin: ScratchifyBlox2 - Needs feedbacks

So… will it be paid or free? Just realized… you made spegetti. :open_mouth:

Free! You know spaghetti ? This one was like an experiment lol never touched it again, do you like it ?

Yep I love it. But now that I do know luau I dont really use it now

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That’s sick I didn’t know people would like it because I got no comment on it back then

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This is so so really cool

Wouldn’t it make more sense for things like if and repeat to be C blocks instead of having a seperate end block though?

It’s like one block in the backend but it’s not displayed as one… just got an idea I didn’t have to make it look like this and to be optimized so I’ll make them C blocks yep thanks for the feedback

Just realized again… you made RAT omg I use it all the time omg omg :scream:

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no way :rofl: yes rat was kinda quickly created for personal use first :fire: