Visual scripting plugin: ScratchifyBlox2 - Needs feedbacks

Hello everyone !

I have recently (again) made a plugin for visual scripting. This one is my third one, so I think this is The one I’ll finish.

You can get it here for free to test

It is a remake of my first visual scripting plugin ScratchifyBlox 1, I have made a new version faster, cleaner etc as a lot of people have asked me how to download it.

Here are some previews of the interface (you use it exactly like scratch)

So if you have the time, I would really appreciate if you download it and tell me bugs you find and also what blocks I have to add to it.
Thank you very much for that :slight_smile:

Contact email :

if you would like to help the project (me and the website fees), you can donate on my new Ko-Fi


i’ve just fixed an issue that a user reported with the ui not working (also dont forget to allow script modification or something like that before using the plugin else its gonna blow :exploding_head: )


Hey everyone, I know a lot of you guys can’t reach me thought the dev forum so I added an email to contact me for block ideas :
Also I can’t add blocks now as I’m on vacation so for evryone who already gave me some idea I’ll add them in 2 weeks . Help is appreciated for this free plugin ( you’ll be credited )


how do you use it i need to know

We’ve Got Some More Bugs to Fix!
:clock130: due to Time Dilation, The Bugfixes would be Late

Open the plugin, select an instance in the explorer and select it again but in scratchify

I’ve made some significant changes and am still working on an upcoming block library, where players will be able to share blocks on a kind of marketplace using my website api I’ll also open-source the plugin once the code is cleaned up.

this is so cool and i needed it cuz i dont know that much lua thank

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God I’ve been needing this since that other paid block lua plugin too, thanks for making this and I hope you could keep developing it

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Haha, thanks! I’ll try to keep it up to date as much as possible, but I’m currently busy with exams. It wouldn’t be feasible with my Patreon members either, so I appreciate their support as well.

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I’m also almost done adding a block library where users will be able to create their own blocks and share it with others…

And I’m so impressed by getting over 300 downloads a day, glad people use it.

how did i not know this was a thing lol

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haha yep I’m making some changes right now It’ll get better

my friend said his code didnt do anything? (he sucks at coding so i thought he would like this)

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Sure spelling mistake let me update the plugin(he will have to remove the event block and put it back) . 5min and it’s fixed . And thanks for the report !

Should be fixed, can you check ? Thanks

No way… BlockLua then this?? Wow! Anyways will it be paid or free?

I like the style.

The UI still looks pretty outdated though…

Actually I created this before block lua but around the same time as event block , block lua’s predecessor :point_up::fire:

I tried to mimic scratch as much as I could , thanks !