Visual Tweens | Effect For UI

Visual Tweens Module

GitHub - text21/VisualTweens

This is a flexible and user-friendly Lua module created for implementing glowing and pulsing effects on Frame and ImageLabel UI elements in Roblox. The module allows you to apply visually striking glow effects that expand and fade over time. You can fully customize settings such as color, transparency, and the number of repetitions to achieve the desired look.

I developed this module to make it easier for people by eliminating the need to repeatedly create these effects from scratch. With this tool, you can quickly implement these effects for Frame or ImageLabel elements, saving time and effort.

It is designed to be highly adaptable for various projects and aims to simplify your workflow. I plan to release regular updates, which may include additional tweens, modules, and features to enhance its functionality.

Note: If you encounter any issues or bugs, please feel free to reach out for assistance. I will address them promptly. Thank you, and enjoy using the module!



  • Supports Frames and ImageLabels: The module works seamlessly with both Frame and ImageLabel UI elements.
  • Customizable Glow: Adjust the color, transparency, and size of the glow effect.
  • Looping Support: Control the number of times the effect should repeat, or loop infinitely.
  • Flexible: Easily reusable in any UI, and can be applied to multiple elements with just a single line of code.
  • Disappearing Effect: The UI element disappears after each cycle, and then reappears to continue the effect.


VisualGlowEffect.rbxm (6.5 KB)

To use this module, you can simply add it to ReplicatedStorage or any other service where you prefer storing modules in your Roblox game.

Once added, you can easily require the module in your scripts like so:

local GlowEffect = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.VisualGlowEffect)


You can apply the glow effect to any Frame or ImageLabel UI element using the ApplyGlowEffect function. Here’s how:

local GlowEffect = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.VisualGlowEffect)
local myFrame = script.Parent.MYFrame
local ImageLabel = script.Parent.ImageLabel

-- Apply the effect to a Frame
GlowEffect.ApplyGlowEffect(myFrame, {
    GrowMultiplier = 1.5,  -- Size multiplier for the glow effect
    GrowTime = 0.3,        -- Duration for the growing animation
    ShrinkTime = 0.3,      -- Duration for the shrinking animation
    RepeatCount = 3,       -- How many times the effect should repeat
    DelayBetween = 0.2,    -- Delay time between each cycle
    GlowColor =, 1, 1), -- Glow color (white by default)
    MinTransparency = 0.2, -- Minimum transparency for the glow effect
    MaxTransparency = 0.7 -- Maximum transparency during fading

-- Apply the effect to an ImageLabel
GlowEffect.ApplyGlowEffect(myImageLabel, {
    GrowMultiplier = 1.3,
    GrowTime = 0.4,
    ShrinkTime = 0.4,
    RepeatCount = 5, 
    DelayBetween = 0.3,
    GlowColor =, 1, 1),
    MinTransparency = 0.3,
    MaxTransparency = 1

Configuration Options

Here are the available configuration options you can modify when applying the glow effect:

- GrowMultiplier (default: 1.2): Controls how much the element should grow during the effect. The higher the value, the more it will grow.
- GrowTime (default: 0.6): Duration of the growing phase.
- ShrinkTime (default: 0.6): Duration of the shrinking phase.
- RepeatCount (default: -1): How many times the effect should repeat. Use -1 for infinite repetition.
- DelayBetween (default: 0.2): Time to wait between each cycle.
- GlowColor (default:, 1, 1)): Color of the glow effect. Default is white.
- MinTransparency (default: 0.3): The minimum transparency of the element during the glow effect.
- MaxTransparency (default: 1): The maximum transparency during the fading part of the effect.

Example Use Case

If you want a Frame to pulse with a white glow that grows larger, fades out, disappears, and then comes back for a total of 5 cycles, you would use:

GlowEffect.ApplyGlowEffect(myFrame, {
    GrowMultiplier = 1.5,
    GrowTime = 0.3,
    ShrinkTime = 0.3,
    RepeatCount = 5,
    DelayBetween = 0.2,
    GlowColor =, 1, 1),
    MinTransparency = 0.2,
    MaxTransparency = 0.7


  • The glow effect will automatically reset the element’s original properties (size, transparency, color) after each cycle.
  • The RepeatCount parameter allows you to control how many times the effect will loop. If set to -1, the effect will loop indefinitely.
  • If you have multiple elements that need the effect, you can easily reuse the ApplyGlowEffect function for each element.
  • If you have multiple elements that need the effect, you can easily reuse the ApplyGlowEffect function for each element.


Feel free to fork this project and submit issues or pull requests if you’d like to contribute to the module. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please let me know!


This project is open-source and available for free use in any Roblox game. You can modify and distribute it under the MIT License.


Visual Tweens Update

GitHub - text21/VisualTweens

What’s New

Hello! The Visual Tweens module has been updated with new tween effects for your Roblox game. Here are the additions:

  • Bounce Tween
  • Shrink on Click Tween
  • Grow Slightly on Click Tween
  • Click Glow Tween
  • Hover Tween


Visual Tween.rbxm (10.3 KB)

To use this module, you can simply add it to ReplicatedStorage or any other service where you prefer storing modules in your Roblox game.

Once added, you can easily require the module in your scripts like so:

local GlowEffect = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.VisualTweens)


Here are examples of how to apply different tweens to a GUI element like a button:

local VisualTweens = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.VisualTweens)
local button = script.Parent.TextButton

-- Bounce Effect
VisualTweens.ApplyBounceEffect(button, {
    BounceScale = 1.2,
    BounceTime = 0.15,
    HoverOnly = true

-- Hover Highlight Effect
VisualTweens.ApplyHoverHighlight(button, {
    GrowMultiplier = 1.2,
    FadeTransparency = 0.7,
    TransitionTime = 0.3

-- Hover Pulse Effect
VisualTweens.ApplyHoverPulse(button, {
    GlowTime = 0.5,
    MinTransparency = 0.4

-- Shrink on Click Effect
VisualTweens.ApplyClickShrink(button, {
    ShrinkScale = 0.8,
    ShrinkTime = 0.1

-- Click Glow Effect
VisualTweens.ApplyClickGlow(button, {
    GlowColor =, 1, 0),
    GlowTime = 0.15,
    MinTransparency = 0.5

Configuration Options

-- Glow
- GlowColor =, 1, 0),
- GlowTime = 0.15,
- MinTransparency = 0.5

-- Shrink
- ShrinkScale = 0.8,
- ShrinkTime = 0.1

-- glow
- GlowTime = 0.5,
- MinTransparency = 0.4

-- Grow
- GrowMultiplier = 1.2,
- FadeTransparency = 0.7,
- TransitionTime = 0.3


  • These effects can be easily reused across multiple UI elements.
  • Customize the settings to achieve the perfect visual feedback for your game’s interface.


If you’d like to contribute, feel free to:

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Submit issues or pull requests on GitHub.
  3. Share any suggestions or report bugs.


This project is open-source under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use it in any Roblox game!


How come this doesn’t support imageButtons