Visualizing a 3d grid system?

What is the best way to visualize a grid system for players when placing a block, so that players can kinda know where the block will be when the move it?

For example, I have a floating block, and it doesn’t immediately make sense why it floats, but with a little math, it does.

The block is 1 stud tall. That means it’s position (which is the center) needs to be 0.5 studs off the ground for it appear to be sitting on the ground. However, my grid increment is also 1, which means that 0.5 isn’t allowed, only multiples of 1 are. So, therefore, the block’s position is either 1 or 0, but 0 isn’t allowed because the block would be halfway in the ground, so the result is 0.5 studs off the ground, floating. Hopefully that wasn’t too complicated.

I want to communicate that visually, by showing where the block could potentially be. Any ideas?

Also, I want to mention two things: The grid is adjustable, from increments of 0.001 to 10,000. The video shows it at 1, as described in the example. And finally, the grid extends into the third dimension, so this happens on walls too.


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Add a grid texture to the faces of the parts it’s colliding with.

I had that idea, but how would that work for cylinders and spheres? What about complex meshes? Thanks!

Any other ideas anyone?

Are you referring to something like this feature in Studio?

That grid?

Could be, but like, 3d? Is that possible without it being too distracting?

Yes, the “Transform” does a visualization of a grid, by using LineHandleAdornment. Thus create lines!

I copied the thing from the screenshot out of CoreGui if you wanted to look at it.

transform_copy.rbxmx (64.6 KB)

Obviously the grid adjusts itself through math. But it’s not distracting, it acts as a visual aid.

You can manually create a grid board with parts of the same dimensions, and then, highlight where it’s being placed with green color. I’m not a fan of textures because I don’t get that much control and textures on this platform have a tendency to stretch. If you have flat areas that are rotated (on a wall), you can generate the grid based on the size and use the surface normal.

Thank you!
This could work, however I’m looking for something a little more 3d. Thanks for the suggestion though!

I’ll keep this in the back of my mind :D

I’m not sure I got that :sweat_smile:
May you please draw something? Thanks!