VN-21 Helicopter

VN-21 “Alpineer” (It’s a custom helicopter, not based off of anything in particular)

What do you guys think?


I like it, really looks like a military helicopter if it isn’t particularly based off of anything. It could be more polished though like making some corners a lil round instead of a 90 degree corner.


Pretty nice! This is well made. I really like how it looks like a military helicopter.


Thanks, I really like military vehicles especially aircraft and this is one of my projects relating to it.


This is also my first project using Motor6D’s, rather than hinge constraints for the landing gear and rear door. Midway through the building process I looked at the Motor6D properties and found out they are basically hinge constraints.

If you were to round the corners a bit more this could be a great addition to your portfolio!



Rounded out the nose a bit.

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Lookin’ way better, for sure able to be part of a portfolio!

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Nice, you used Blender for modelling right?

This is a bit picky, but the little rotor at the end needs to be bigger. It’s there to stop the helicopter from swinging around, so it’s pretty important.
Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 6.49.33 pm
(ignore the chinook)
Edit: also do round it out a bit more, especially near the front.

Its all parts and block meshes, ex; mesh cylinder parts so I can stretch them out and some other mesh wedges.

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With the rotor, I think it’s angle because when I made it I made sure the proportions were realistic.

EDIT: So, I sized it up a bit, what do you think?

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Also, here’s the startup for it.


Wow that is amazing! I love the back door entrance, keep up the good work!

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this is an ok build

you need to add more curve to the tail instead of a straight cylinder

overall its too blocky and weirdly shaped maybe look at more helicopter pictures to get a better idea of what they look like

It’s meant to have an older look/aesthetic to it, not meant to compete with newer games, or be 100% realistic.

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Some real helicopters have perfectly cylindrical tails:


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some of them have cylinders that lead to a big tail, or have a shrinking effect near the end (there are two examples of it happening, in the images you linked)

also a nice thing to evaluate in the images is the horizontal stabilizer. Adding that will also add character to OP’s build

also if you look at more images you notice how the tail is nicely proportionate with the size of the helicopter. OP should make the tail bigger to fit the size that is exactly why it also looks a bit off

don’t see how the tail is too small, and it does have a shrinking effect…

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I guess you’re going to argue that it looks good as well