Voice chat moderation : Moderation reason needs to be given when banned from voice chat

I saw in a greenlegocats video they only have, like, 19 mods!!! Lol


My friend got false reported by multiple people for having good aim in strucid, and got banned with that same “users can’t be false reported” copy pasted speal. Got unbanned a few minutes later. Maybe if we keep bringing this issue up to staff, they will listen and fix this moderation


This is honestly an accurate summary of what is happening here. Roblox bot auto bans me because report is sent, Roblox provides no reason or evidence for the ban, appeals team refuses to provide evidence, reasoning, or even actually review the case.


Same, i would show another email ( i have like 3 voice chat ban appeals) but its that same exact generic speal they go about.



but when you mess up once
(i tried to put a gif embed here ignore it, it was just a dude running like flash)


My account holds years of work + thousands of dollars worth of robux/items.

While me getting a false one day ban from voice chat doesn’t sound like a big deal, the fact that Roblox appeals team does nothing for me, not even providing a reason for my suspension is beyond concerning. I have been on Roblox for five years, I am ID verified, and I have brought in hundreds of dollars of revenue for Roblox, and yet they treat me like garbage.

What is this wasn’t voice chat, but an actual ban? I don’t want to live in a future of fear, worrying every day if I am going to lose years of work, which for some is their livelihood, all from one false report.

The fact that Roblox thinks bans without providing a reason is okay is extremely scary. If Roblox wants you off the platform they could just issue a ban and not even have to provide a reason, and pocket all the profit from your account and games (while still keeping them open so they earn more!)

This whole incident just nailed home for me that Roblox truly has little respect for their developers.



This is very ridiculous. I don’t even remember saying any bad words in general beside burping. Sure burping is noisy and loud, but still should make sure that’s why to prove me wrong otherwise.


One of my friends got their voice chat suspended… despite the fact that their microphone is broken so they literally don’t talk.


This is getting ridiculous. More and more people I have talked with are getting banned from voice chat from people who are sending in false reports.

Roblox needs to provide a reason for banning from vc, if they can’t do so they should not just trust the person reporting is telling the truth as many times the report system is being used by bad actors.

Roblox staff, please fix this. I can’t stand watching myself and others get falsely banned from malicious reports.

In addition, the fact that the appeals team refuses to review the ban or provide reasoning is just beyond unacceptable.


This issue has been going on for weeks now, it’s ridiculous. I haven’t been banned or moderated on roblox for years until recently, due to voice chat.

This happens on any game and I’ve highly considered disabling voice chat until something is done about it. This has affected many of my friends, as we were all being banned one by one in the same server one day despite not breaking ANY tos.

I wish some of it was atleast manually looked at, and that we’re provided a clip as to what we said to get banned instead of being given vague responses such as “bullying and harassment”.


I have been banned from voice chat until it’s out of beta since september. I am YET to get a reason, after 30+ appeals. All were the same botted bs response, where theh tell me “oh due to multiple violations you lost voice chat until the beta phase ends.” This is bs and this word needs to be spread.


I asked for clips before, they said they can’t provide them.


Yeah- I don’t understand the point of them supposedly “storing” audio clips if they refuse to actually use them.

It is totally unacceptable to receive moderation action by Roblox if they cannot provide any sort of reason or evidence.


I agree! I got warned last night for using “profane language” when I literally avoid doing so while using ROBLOX VC. I log back in today to find my voice chat has been suspended for two days for “violating guidelines.” VC moderation is broken and I can say with 100% confidence that NOTHING I said was in violation of their ToS.


It’s insane how bs Roblox VC moderation is! It makes me have to fight the urge to swear on these forums.


Yeah, it’s disheartening when you follow all the rules and Roblox’s auto-moderation still bans you for no reason.

I am imploring that this gets noticed by staff.


Until the staff ACTUALLY sees this im gonna have to

downvote their moderation personally. I’m tired of getting banned for no reason at all due to talking with friends. I also got an alt with vc and reported it (it got banned,) but none of the exploiters i reported for swearing actually got banned. why does nobody here listen to the community like actually


This issue is critical and is proving to be widespread. Why is Roblox remaining silent?



Because Roblox keeps trying to turn to bots to deal with it, and the employees who review reports and that kind of stuff lack additional context.

In addition, dedicate a lot of resources to moderate pointless things, like the name of an image, rather than the content of the image. If you have an image for example named censoredword.png (censoredword being any “tos” violating material) you will get banned pretty fast, but it takes Roblox ages to delete all the p0rnographic content on their site.


Roblox needs to do something about this. I understand that it is very hard to moderate a platform with millions of users and thousands of reports, but they should have a better system in place. If you get more than 15 reports within 5 minutes span, you will get your voice chat suspended until an actual person reviews it. Though this can be abused, but it would actually try to help do something.


A friend of mine has been suspended 3 times in a row after not even a week after they got access to voice chat. For some reason they keep getting banned for playing mic up, this time they got suspended for saying absolutely nothing making me believe this is more than just manual report at this point.