Voice chat moderation : Moderation reason needs to be given when banned from voice chat

Yup. I said nothing and got suspended. There is simply no way Roblox is actually reviewing the audio. More and more people have approached me with similar situations, leading me to believe that reports instantly suspend a user’s voice chat access.

I have contacted a staff member at Roblox in the hopes of getting this looked in to.


This is ridiculous, this issue is still ongoing. A bunch of my friends got suspended all at once, including me.

I wouldn’t bother appealing, as you’ll be given a really crappy bot response.

For those of you who haven’t already…


It’s for the better, you risk getting falsely banned if you don’t.


No! Always appeal these voice chat bans if you can, even the warns. Apparently getting banned multiple times for the same thing leads to further punishment if you get banned again, appealing these types of bans/warns can save your life.

edit: it also isnt always generic bot responses all the time. If you’re wondering what i said to get a generic response, here you go.

You can also say stuff like “I recieved an automated message that wasn’t looked at by a real human, and I really want to appeal this,” and you can say stuff like

"Hello, I was suspended from voice chat for breaking the tos/guidelines even though I never did anything that was against the rules on roblox voice chat.

I have a very light voice so people think I’m very young and report me. If you are using voice recognition software, it might be wrong and I ask that you look into my voicelogs without A.I as a human, because I’m pretty sure no human would ban me for anything I said, considering I wasn’t breaking any rules before or after the time of my ban.

I keep getting banned for things that didnt happen when using voice chat and it’s very frustrating, please look into this as a human, without any AI or bots, so that you can avoid error and moderate people effectively, I have been banned for voice chat X times because of (probably) false reports, and the voice recognition software mistaking things I say for swearing, or my voice being too light to be above 13. Please look into this, thank you." (dont use this exact speech, I just made a generic speech that provides a lot of ideas as to what you say IF you have a light voice, voice recognition stuff, etc.) to increase your chances of getting a response by a real person with a (lets be honest, probably fake name) like amalia here

(Thanks, “Amalia.”)


And thank you for backing me up with some context on your moderation team’s horrible voice chat automation banning system, “Blaire!”

p.s this does not only apply to voice chat bans, it applies to all of them. It’s genuinely not a bad system but it could use some improvement, which could possibly prevent, ya know, THE THING THAT’S GOING ON WITH BANS RIGHT NOW. False bans that this rule applies to are just genuinely disappointing, especially knowing you did nothing wrong to even get banned.


I appealed when I received a VC ban and the appeals team refused to even review it. When I asked them again they just stopped responding.


Yeah that happens, 99% of the time it’s just probably an absolute NPC that says stuff like YOU WERE CORRELTY BANN FOR VIOLATING THE CAMMUNITY STANARDS. Its still worth appealing anyway just in case you can get a penalty removed.



Myself and 2 friends were banned for a day (full account ban, not just a voice-chat revoke) despite only being in a voice-chat game for <10 minutes. It would be nice to know the specifics of the ban. I find it hard to trust a system that bans so decisively in such a short amount of time without any sort of evidence as to why.


Roblox is still being quiet on this situation, something needs to be done about this.

They keep trying to slide this under the rug.


I honestly hate these copy and paste moderation responses. This NEEDS to be fixed.


I was just wondering… if Roblox stores these clips, you have permission to use your GDPR rights to access data they store about you. Voice chat clips would be linked to a person, so you should be able to request these clips (if they retain them).


Bit of a followup for everyone here - I’ve spoken to the gentlemen on Roblox’s moderation team that’s handling this - they’re aware of voice chat moderation issues and are working to address them.

Will try to get them to reply here with more details, but they are aware of this issue!


Great! Roblox has stayed silent on this for too long, good that this has finally been noticed.

To the Roblox moderation team, any possibility of Roblox retroactively reviewing VC bans such as my own? I would not like to have false bans on my moderation history.


They always say they are ‘‘aware’’ of things, but then you end up waiting two years for an update… lol…


Yeah, I highly doubt they are doing anything about it. If they are, I still want my vc ban history removed as, yk, I didn’t even do anything wrong in the first place!


And I want my god damn VC access :sob:

I literally verified everything I could (except for the ID, hell nah), I live in 'merica. What else am I supposed to do?


I have a feeling because the moderators have to complete a certain quota they may be rushing through the reports and providing inaccurate action revolving those reports. We all know that going through moderation voice chat reports will take a lot longer then going through text based content.


Just got banned while playing UNOFFICIAL with a kid in my lobby SCREAMING the WAP. literally just no at this point


This is ANNOYING. I’ve been banned 3 times so far for Roblox voice chat and I sincerely do not know why. I feel like you could just mass report someone and get them banned at this point.


You only need one person to get someone banned for not even talking on vc.


I got interested and I joined “PLS DONATE” and was just donating around and in 8 minutes I got voice chat banned. I have the entire video clip too and after reviewing it I said or did nothing bad? I feel like you can get reported and Roblox wont even look at it but instead will instantly take action and take away vc perms (and then later ban you ???)


Yeah it seems they don’t even review the audio and just instant ban. It makes no sense that I would literally say nothing and still get banned if there was any person reviewing it.

The fact that this has been happening for over a month with no communication or any sort of response from Roblox is extremely frustrating. I am slowly losing any trust I had remaining for Roblox.