Voice Chat not avaliable in the United Arab Emirates?

Hey there! Universe here; I’ve noticed a problem recently that might be related to my region of the UAE, where voice chat isn’t enabled for some reason.

I’ve never had issues with Voice chat on Roblox before, and I was playing with it enabled for a week or so and have used it frequently, but I’m encountering an issue with my voice chat now where my criteria are met, but it seems it’s not available in the UAE anymore for some reason as signified by this screenshot.

Found here

I’ve done some research and figured out that:

  • Denial reason: 7 - Criteria for Voice Chat not met

  • Denial reason: 3 - Criteria met; however, not in deployed country, state, or city.

  • Denial reason: 0 - N/A

But it seems no one has faced similar issues except for me. I assure you I am verified and I am well above 13 years of age.