Voice wont work

I want my game to have voice chat; it has worked plenty of times in other projects, but for some reason, it isn’t functioning in my new game. I’m not sure if Roblox needs to review the game first or if it needs to be public for everyone.

Any help would really make my day!


For some reason, voice chat is now functioning, but it’s unable to detect the input device, which means I can’t speak…



maybe it’s got something to do with your the device itself… if you’re running windows, just check the sound page on control panel to make sure the mic is connected or has faults. im pretty sure this is the same for system preferences on mac and the equivalent for linux


Already checked everything… even on other devices it wont work…

It might be roblox, sometimes when I’m trying to connect headphones roblox just won’t detect it. Try reinstalling the Roblox App.

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But why dose it work in other games???

Do you mean your voice chat works in other games?

Yes, it works in other games, but in my game it only shows the icon and wont detect the input

Oh okay, go into studio and go to “Game Settings”


Go to “Communication” and make sure “Enable Microphone” is set to Enabled.

If you also want to enable Dynamic Face control, you could also do that here as well.

Make sure that it is on, as this is what allows users to use voice chat.

Why are you telling me this its already on… the problem is that it wont detect the input device… and only shows the icn… also sometimes it just disapears compleatly

I’m just checking that it is definitely on…
If you have another device, like an ipad or phone or even another pc or laptiop, test voice chat on there to see if it works on it.

I already told that it wont work on other devices

Then, it will be your game, have you got any contradicting scripts that disable voice chat?

When you said “even on other devices it won’t work” I assumed that voice chat was off in your game, so that is why I suggested it.

It is completly new… with scripts all made by me that dont have todo with voicechat…

Do you have a link to your game?

I opened a new project and it works there… ill try disable and publish the game and enable it and publish the game

It works now??? but why??? roblox is just such a great game

good idea try it and come back

Glad it worked. Maybe it was just a studio error

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