VoiceChatService (2) Error

Hello developers of ROBLOX,

I was just play-testing my game, when I saw a warning in the developer console, out of nothing:


Since when is VoiceChatService a thing? I did not use it in any script and this warning appears every time I play my game. Did I accidentally enable an option? How to get rid of it and the error?

With kind regards,


If your game is not using the service you have nothing to worry about.


I’m sure there is already a post on VoiceChatService2 Error.


Roblox seems to be experimenting with VoiceChat as you can see in the warning. I am sure it will be fixed.


It’s probably implemented in the Roblox core scripts, which cause it to happen

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Yep. It happens to me too.


Just had this error, I believe it’s because ROBLOX is testing it right now. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was a game already running it and open to the public. Gonna do some investigating!


I’m getting this warning as well, It seems as if it might have something to do with the recent talk of Voice Chat coming to ROBLOX. I Think once voice chat gets released by ROBLOX to the public, That warning should disappear, Otherwise, Right now it seems we’ll have to see it until it’s released.

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As stated before, there is nothing to worry about or to do anything to prevent the message. Roblox has planned to add a voice chat to roblox, and as you can see, they are developing it.
(Also shows within my game.)

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Look at what I found


Good find, it is now obvious that they are doing more to possibly implement voice chat in Roblox and a little bit of how it is going to work. I wonder how the future of this feature will look like.

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Speech to text?


Somehow that’s slightly worse than actual voice chat :pensive:

I’m doing /console on some games I’m playing and so far all of them has this warning.

Same with me

Due to the new VoiceChat update that has been announced,
I believe Roblox is experimenting with voice chat which causes the output of VoiceChatService to error.
This is probably an error you wouldn’t be able to remove until roblox fixes it itself.

It’s a voice chat that coming on roblox

I agree, it’s worse than an actual voice chat.
Speech to text doesn’t have the same energy that gives off with your voice.
I can understand how Roblox may want this to keep voice chat clean, maybe another alternative can blank out what you say if it’s inappropriate instead of speech to text?

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Or, here’s a brilliant idea: Roblox could simply not implement this clear mistake of a “feature”! What will this platform gain from voice chat other than so many more issues and complications for developers?

I imagine the text-to-speech will be there so Roblox can scan whatever you’re saying in voice-chat for any inappropriate language before it is heard by other players.


In an old Roblox Github Repository, it seems VoiceChatService is for Xbox VoiceChat.