- Hopefully fixed bug causing players to be reset to 800 rating after a ranked game finished
- Tweaked shop algorithm to hopefully improve random generation behavior
- Added several new items into the shop pool
- Lowered shop rotation timer from 48 to 24 hours
- Fixed bug where players equipping a jump cosmetic without having one already equipped would lead to the effect not showing up until the player rejoined
- Fixed bug where players who changed their device’s system time would see the incorrect shop
- Added rotating shop, coins, and several new ball models and player cosmetics
- Added end screen for pickups and ranked matches
- Pickups and ranked matches now grant coins upon completion
- Pickups games now also grant experience points upon completion
- Pickups games in private servers currently don’t grant anything
- Leveling up now grants coins
- Removed
from private server admin commands
- Fixed bug where pressing shiftlock and jumping at the same time on mobile could result in the player spinning midair
- Fixed bug where players with non-default torsos would get stuck on the “Players” collision group after resetting
- Updated Portuguese localization
- Added matchmaking server browser
- Added shoe squeak noises, which have a chance to play when sprinting, or diving/jumping after sprinting.
- Added setting to disable shoe squeak noises
- Tweaked pickups hint position highlight and added a serve area highlight
- Autoref system no longer counts conjoined receives (and dives) as 2 touches
- Fixed control hint buttons not animated
- Fixed bug where trying to reposition the jump button on mobile would cause it to shift downwards and thus be very finicky to drag
- Fixed bug where double tapping the jump button on mobile would break it
- Hopefully fixed most mobile button positioning bugs
- Inting players in ranked should now be kicked (and unable to rejoin) instead of unteamed and breaking everything
- Jump button position on mobile now saves
- Shiftlock button on mobile can now be resized
- In/out marker is now highlighted for balls in play in pickups/ranked matches
- Slightly reduced size of control hints for most non-small screen devices
- Hopefully actually for real fixed bug where control hints would display on mobile after opening and then closing the menu
- Hopefully fixed some of the edge cases where the power/stamina bars would be displayed when they weren’t supposed to be - realistically I might’ve just made a whole bunch more UI-related bugs
- Fixed bug allowing players to serve toss balls into the court lock part
- Hopefully fixed bug where control hints would display on mobile
- Added pads for joining pickups in public servers
- Added control hints for PC/console players - hide them in settings → interface
- The sprint key/button can now be held down to keep sprinting as long as you have stamina
- Tweaks to the power bar/stamina interface
- Mobile button transparency setting added (under controls when on mobile)
- Added “interface” section in the settings menu
- Tweaked court lock behavior to improve clarity
- Fixed incorrect wood grain on rules sign
- Added ability to rejoin ranked games
- Ranked leaver penalty now also applies if you leave before the game starts
- Hopefully fixed bug that would sometimes brick ranked matchmaking servers
- The Games event ended, quests and shines removed
- The Games event update!
- Added 3 quests and 5 hidden shines to the game
- Added brief tutorial of the game’s controls for new players
- Added sign which when interacted with starts a quick presentation on the basic volleyball rules
- Added field of view setting
- Added a positional highlight and hint in pickups to help new players - can be disabled in settings
- New temporary “map” page in the menu to make it slightly less confusing for new players to switch between maps
- Fixed bug that allowed mobile players to rotate midair
- Re-added leaving timeout penalty to ranked games
- Players leaving in ranked 6v6 matches should now lose rating points and no longer break rotations
- Added 6v6 queue to ranked, which uses a separate 6v6 rating
- Small matchmaking UI adjustments
- Time of day setting now goes by increments of 0.5 instead of 2
- Finally got around to adding the missing thumbnails for some of the cosmetic items
- Reverted change to TextChatService since it sucks and was causing lag
- In ranked matches, any spiking animation that isn’t Tommy RH/LH is now automatically replaced by Tommy RH in order to make it easier to consistently read spikes.
- Migrated chat to TextChatervice
- Added
command for resizing the chat window a bit
- Added
- Hopefully fixed bug where the scoreboard would be comically large due to Roblox’s new topbar being significantly larger
- Fixed minor visual bug where pickups tab wasn’t showing as selected when opening the menu for the first time
- Fixed bug where the hitfeed would stop automatically scrolling down to the newest entries after the ball had been hit 20 or so times
2023 Changelog
- Hopefully fixed private server admin not working
- Fixed minor bug where setting map to none wouldn’t show the baseplate grid texture despite it being the selected option
- Added a setting to change the color of the baseplate
- Fixed bug where disabling extra ball models would disable your personal ball model
- Added
command.:scorenotify off
disables the score popup,:scorenotify on
enables it.
- Added
command for setting team names on the scoreboard - Commands that change the score will now cause a popup to appear
- Fixed ancient bug where resetting would put you back into spiking mode despite the UI showing blocking mode
- Added a new map: Charsuno Arena
- Resetting should no longer bypass the character morph in ranked matches
- Fixed bug where UI theme didn’t apply to the bounce slider
- (Hopefully) fixed issues with tilting across all platforms
- Added controller support for color wheel elements in the menu and the fishing minigame
- Avatars are now forcibly morphed into the default R15 character in ranked matches. Oversized accessories are now also automatically removed.
- Fixed bug that was causing mobile controls to be cut off on certain devices
- Minor backend bugfixes
- Early implementation of footprints - chat
:footprints on
or:footprints off
in a private server to use
- Fixed bug that prevented users from binding keys/buttons in the keybinds page
- Fixed bug where console users could not tilt during jumps properly
- Belated halloween update - halloween ball to collect until I remember to remove it
- Console support added
- Minor edit to the keybinds page
- Added dive in movement direction setting
- Fixed issue causing linefault detection to not work
- Readded bots
- Hopefully fixed ranked duoqueue being borked
- Added an annoying message reminding people that the league Discord server exists (public servers)
- Easter event ended
- Fixed more bounce gamepass slider not existing in settings
- Minor sound adjustments
- Hopefully fixed ranked bans
- Added a small egg hunt event
- Finally got around to adding classic trail
- Added some item thumbnails
- Gone fishin’
- Fixed bug where you couldn’t unequip cosmetics
- New sound effects for hitting the ball
- Mobile UI refactor
- You can now resize buttons and reposition the shiftlock button
- Using shiftlock on mobile now shows a cursor
- Ranked changes
- Removed custom nametags. Character names are now player usernames instead of display names.
- Chat window now uses usernames.
- Custom (non-Roblox default) emotes disabled
- Fixed character scaling bug
- Custom emotes temporarily removed
- Backend changes
- Shrunk ranked nametags a bit
- Added a ban system for ranked
- Fixed bug that broke party forming in matchmaking
- Added nametags with full usernames to ranked matches
- Oversized characters should now be scaled down in ranked matches
2022 Changelog
- Fixed bug where ranked would fail to start if a duo was present
- Hopefully fixed bug where mobile buttons would be positioned off screen for some reason
- Hopefully fixed bug allowing mobile users to un-shiftlock and spin midair
- Fixed animation issue
- Fixed bug where players queuing together for ranked would not be placed on the same team
- Hopefully fixed bug where ball would “slide” along the net if hit at a very sharp downward angle
- Fixed bug with animation selections not saving
- Readded bounce - for now it’s in the settings menu
- Mechanics tweaks
- Block hitbox thinner (5 → 4.2 studs)
- Receive hitbox lowered by 0.25 studs
- Receives go slightly higher
- Spikes generally somewhat slower
- Not being near the peak of your jump no longer reduces spiking hitbox size
- Quick hitbox nerf is now in public servers
- Moved DataStores to ProfileService - hopefully no more losing all your data
- UI tweaks, and a complete overhaul of the cosmetics and settings menu pages
- Menu resizes for small screens, and properly resizes when changing screen size
- Server region is now on the bottom right
- Lighting brightness/ambient settings, baseplate texture settings
- Mobile button positions now save
- Private server owners now get HeadAdmin in their private servers - anyone the owner admins is saved across all the owner’s private servers
- League management is dead (for now) - will bring it back soon
- Setterbot is also dead (for now) - will bring it back very soon
- More bounce is also also dead (for now) - will bring it back very soon
- Hopefully (?) fixed private server owners not getting mod
- Changed some permissions in Adonis to prevent people from adding permanent admins
- Stamina regen increased
- Wait time between updates when standing still 0.8s → 0.6s
- Wait time between updates when walking at normal walkspeed 2s → 1.2s
- Sorry for the lack of updates - more coming soon : )
- Fixed mysterious bug causing people to explode randomly
- Removed Herobrine
- Temporarily disabled cross-server matchmaking as there are numerous bugs causing teleport fails. For now, matchmaking teleports you to a separate place instead.
- As compensation, added duoqueue.
3/23 - 3/24
- Tweaks to matchmaking algorithms should hopefully result in higher quality matches and decreased wait times for people with extremely high or extremely low rating
- Hopefully fixed most cases of players failing to teleport to ranked. Will still happen once in a while, but should be pretty infrequent.
- For those curious, the main cause was I forgot to add a
in one of my loops - I am ashamed
- For those curious, the main cause was I forgot to add a
- Day 1 patches to ranked:
- Leaving mid match now incurs a stacking 10 minute wait penalty to rejoin queue, which can be waited out outside of the game.
- If your team is ahead by 3 points and over 20 points or ahead by 5 points and over 15 points and the opposing team ragequits, you gain 75% or 50% (respectively) of the Elo you would have gained by winning. Remaining members of the opposing team lose 75% or 50% (respectively) of the Elo they would have lost by losing.
- After 2 years of delays and general lack of motivation, initial testing for ranked matchmaking has been released!
- Added a leaderboard for top 50 players - can be hidden in private servers with
- Note that leaving mid match incurs a 40 elo penalty!
- Added an experience and leveling system - currently has a minor bug (you can be level 0). Leveling will be tied to cosmetic rewards in the near future.
- Further tweaks to ball speed profile when spiked on high powers close to net - in particular spiking while higher in the air should be no slower than spiking just above the net in nearly all cases now.
- Players on different teams created by
can no longer collide with each other - Added
command - Refactored character control script, which led to shiftlock for mobile breaking. Now fixed.
- Stamina regeneration reworked, now regenerates slowly when moving at normal walking speed
- Added
command in private servers. Press [Z] or tap the eye icon while spectating to open the menu. - Nerfed curve serves
2021 Changelog
- Hopefully fixed not jumping when trying to jump for good
- Updates to “Community” physics option in league management
- V-serving while under 4 power now performs a serve toss instead
- Play a little minigame to add spin to your serve
- Hitting the ball with near zero spin performs a float serve - currently pretty useless :^(
- Increased speed of high spikes close to the net
- Added a server region indicator
Slight adjustment of quick nerfs
- Spike hitbox duration increased slightly (0.4s → 0.5s)
- Adjusted spike hitbox size reduction when hitting quicks (50% reduction → 40% reduction)
- Balls now rebound off blocks slightly slower
- Receives go slightly higher
Nerfs to quick attacks
- Spike hitbox duration further reduced (0.7s → 0.4s)
- Spike hitbox size reduced by 50% for balls hit within the last 0.8s
- Spike hitbox size reduced by 20% when not near peak of jump (~0.4s window, might be removed)
- Jumping while blocking is now 0.1s faster to reach the peak than jumping while spiking
Spike hitbox size nerfs are currently only applied in private servers
These nerfs stack, so if both are applied spike hitbox size is decreased by 60%
In addition,
- Reverted ball speed decrease from 7/4
- Slightly increased receive hitbox size and adjusted its position
- Added a (small) cooldown to sprinting to hopefully reduce macro abuse
- Capped jump speed upon reaching 30 walkspeed (7 sprint button mashes)
7/30 2021
- Stamina now recharges slightly faster (0.8s between ticks instead of 1s)
- Added a finals arena! Chat
in a private server to go there - This will likely become a method to have private servers with a 50 player limit in the near future
- Fixed bugs related to Adonis admin update
- Very slightly decreased ball speed
5/28 - 5/29 2021
- Spiking after jumpsetting and jumpsetting after spiking is no longer possible
- Slightly decreased ball speed
- Added dark mode UI
- Fixed aura effect not working for packages
- Aura effect now apparent for default Roblox head, no longer visible for other head models
- Added Aura Effect gamepass
- Removed Bam Extras gamepass - people were buying it without buying Bam Effects first far too often. Bam Extras now comes with Bam Effects. Players who bought Bam Extras will receive some sort of bonus in the future (it will probably be turned into another gamepass).
- Redid cosmetics menu page to be less confusing and easier to work on moving forwards
- Power bar now changes to a blue color when on block mode
- Spike hitbox duration reduced slightly (0.75s → 0.7s)
- Hopefully fixed bug allowing a serving player to remove themselves from pickups but still serve
- Fixed bug where balls would clearly be in but were counted as out
- Hopefully patched brick spawning exploit
- Revamped league management system
- Added
command to remove teams which moderators can use (built in:removeteam
command can remove the default Player team, leading to bugs). - Sneaky update to deter a certain activity
2020 Changelog
- Fixed being able to walk onto other team’s side of the court when joining pickups for the first time
- Fixed legal and in attacks being counted as a miss when hit is very close to net
- Fixed tilting on mobile breaking
10/17 - 10/20/2020
- Major backend changes
- UI overhaul
- Datastore reset (no longer using the original)
- Tweaks to ball physics for the unofficial league - will probably be reverted and limited to private servers in the near future
- Can no longer set a spike within 0.5s of the spike in order to remove f-blocking
- Minor bugfixes
7/1 - 7/30/2020
- Ball now updated with Heartbeat instead of the unreliable
- Removed BillboardGui ball due to an excess of filter-evading decals, replaced with the Extra Ball Types gamepass
- Added separate options for enabling/disabling ball models and “bam” effects
- Added Mikasa ball option
- Removed player collision between teams in pickups
- Various bugfixes
5/1 - 6/30/2020
- Added mobile support
- Added the ability to choose between multiple ball models
- Added BillboardGui Ball gamepass and features
- Tweaked bam jump effect
- Added League Management gamepass and features
- Added Extra Bam Effects gamepass and features
- Quality of life update for the
command - now accepts BrickColor names - Various bugfixes
4/21 - 4/30/2020
- Pickups players can no longer interact with balls in play in pickups
- Added an extra notification for players who are serving
- Added a whistle sound effect at 5 seconds on scoreboard timer during pickups
- A player who ints a serve 3 times in a row is now removed from pickups
- Power keybinds (Z, X, C) are now rebindable
- First team to serve in pickups is now random instead of always blue team
- UI Tweaks
- Rebound from setting into a block is now significantly slower
- Added datastores for player settings
- Pickups players can no longer spawn balls at y > 5 to prevent them from spawning while standing on another player’s head or map elements
- Balls during service can no longer be touched by anyone to prevent inting
- Added custom emotes
- Various bugfixes