Volleyball 4.2 Useful Info

Code Contributions: Kalastraza, tommy2002, Stenimated, User_Tom
UI Design: H_mzah, tommy2002, drag_nxc
Maps: drag_nxc, chrrts, NexumSpectrum, Voidnt
Animations: Aced_T, Kno_ledge, tommy2002, Julez_X, J7_C
Ball Models: RaidenTameemon_JP, drag_nxc, Asetsu

This game uses ProfileService by Madwork.

If you buy cosmetics gamepasses, remember to equip them in the cosmetics page in the menu!

Custom Emotes
Use with /e

  • chestbump
  • sidebump
  • heyheyhey
  • raisefist
  • raisefist2
  • bokuto
  • miya

Custom Commands
Private server owners get Adonis moderator within their own server. There are a couple of custom commands available:

  • :cteam [Name] [BrickColor] makes a new team with the specified name and color. You can use both the name of the BrickColor or the number
    • For example, :cteam Test 21 will make a Bright red team named Test
  • :rmteam [Name] removes team(s) with specified name
  • :lockcourt locks the court so that players on the Player team cannot walk or hit balls onto it
  • :unlockcourt undoes :lockcourt
  • :setcolor [Side] [BrickColor] sets the color of one side of the scoreboard (1 for left, 2 for right) to the specified color
  • :setname [Side] [Name] sets a team name for one side of the scoreboard (1 left, 2 right). Using this command without the second argument (e.g. :setname 1) will remove the name.
  • :a1 [Number] adds points to the left side of the scoreboard,:a2 [Number] adds points to the right side of the scoreboard, not including [Number] will add 1 by default
  • :score [Score1] [Score2] sets the score
  • :sets [SetScore1] [SetScore2] sets the set score
  • :clrballs clears all current balls in the server
  • :toggleleaderboard or :togglelb toggles visibility of the ranked leaderboard

These commands are available to all players in private servers

  • :hitfeed shows a hitfeed
  • :footprints on will display player footprints when they jump. :footprints off to disable
  • :scorenotify off disables the score change popup, scorenotify on enables it. Score notifications are on by default.

League Management
Currently dead - rework soon



  • G - spawn a ball
  • V - basic serve
  • T - spam to sprint
  • Q/E - decrease/increase power
  • F/R - set forward/backward
  • 3 - dive
  • 1 - toggle between spiking and blocking when you jump
  • B - toggle between normal and stop sets
  • Click while on the ground to receive
  • Click while jumping on spiking mode to spike

While on mobile, you can edit the position/size of your buttons by going to the controls tab of the menu.

Roblox has decided this section of the description is inappropriate for some reason, so it’s been moved here.