Volumetric Clouds: Phase 2!

Not right now because it has bugs. expect the phase 3.

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Hey aren’t these the clouds you posted on the Dynamic Skies, claiming it was one of the phases? :joy:

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Sometime this month!

Why does roblox have the at least Thirty c harrs thing its annoying.


Hey arent you the guy that made a massive deal out of everything? I even told people it was a joke. I wanted to see if people thought it was real. Now go somewhere else instead of crap posting on this post


And didn’t we agree we wouldn’t continue that weird dilemma? Yet here you are on my post.


Nothing was photoshoped there. That was real however. And how is it clickbait? I don’t get anything out of it…

You continued to cause drama in the post when you simply could have told me it was wrong instead of creating a massive dillema

“I exposed you, thats all”

Such a twitter thing to say

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can you guys shut the hell (formerly the f word) up, and tell me if I should get this thing or not. @anon53193547 @Trickstaarz


Other people thought it was wrong too, not just me. And it isn’t my fault for starting the drama. And I did tell you it was wrong.

I made this as a joke, not an insult. Why are you so salty amigo. I can’t make a on something that happened weeks ago? :joy:

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Up to you. Ill just shut the hell up and let him do whatever he wants with this thread.

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What the hell is all this drama even about?!


Both of us making bad decisions

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One or two monts ago, @anon53193547 posted an image on dynamic clouds of his studio gui photoshopped onto an offical roblox image of phase 2 or 3. He asked people to DM him about it, and a few mins later someone exposed him. But I didn’t believe that someone so i went on ahead to friend him. Then he admitted to saying it was fake on discord so i showed that on the devforum, then everyone saw it and got him to admitting that he photoshopped the image, then devforum staff deleted the posts.

So I make a joke about it and here we are now. :joy:


DOM, change the pictures to real images of the clouds.

This was months ago and they were real clouds, they were discussed in RDC 2018. And all the posts were deleted.


Also if you don’t know what i mean by dynamic clouds heres the post.
Dynamic Skies Are Getting Cloudy - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox

trick, shut up, nobody cares about this. All he has to do to fix this is take real pictures than there drama is done.


I am sorry for creating a bated image. I had no intent at scamming others or anything such as that, I just wanted to see how people would react if I were to create volumetric clouds. Sorry, and this is a thing I can takeaway from. This is something that will no longer happen again.


Because it was one of the ways of getting around the 30 c har limit ¯_(ツ)_/¯

oh god he is missing an arm