Volumetric Light Beams using UI

Hey! I’m currently working on a backrooms type game and wanted to give a special effect for the lights.

Here is volumetric light beams using UI:

(I removed bloom around 59 seconds into the video to show it better)

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions!

Extra photos:

Low transparency, no bloom:


That’s super hot. How can I do this? Is it performant? Is it difficult to mask any edges?


Using a lot of math. Basically, I get the position of the part, the position (x) amount of studs below the part (based on beam length), use :WorldToScreenPoint to get the screen positions of the 2 points, and update the ui to fit between the two positions.

I’d like to say so. It uses GetPartBoundsInRadius to only update it for lights within a certain radius, and also uses an object pool for the imagelabels.

It actually slightly goes around walls unless the center of the light part is covered

I’m hoping to find a performant fix to this sometime soon


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