so this is isnt done admittedly and some parts are half baked but i am working on a plugin that will basically make lighting look really nice. Here are some screenshots.
However i will say im not gonna act like this was all me. I did use the refraction script found in the other Global illumination plugin as i suck at math. And i plan to include credits to the other plugin when i do release. However i am also using a perfect reflect equation and allow users to switch between
This was not created because i wanted to copy the other plugin. I felt there was a lack of settings in the other plugin and thought i should make my own. I didnt like how there was 1 light type and it was restricted to only two rays. So i made mine as configurable as possible
global illumination plugin settings
Also there are 3 light types as opposed to one: SpotLight, PointLight, HorizontalPointLight
(will be explained better in plugin release in the next week or two)
this is the volumetric lighting (again more will be explained later when it releases)
As of now there is no settings for lighting flare but yes that will come in release. I am still working on light flare however other parts are done and just need to be formatted as a plugin
but heres what it looks like I really need suggestions on lighting flare and ideas so please either DM me or reply if you have any!!!
other GI ^
other GI with brightness adjusted ^
my GI (no light flare or volumetric lighting) ^
Also i should clarify that you wont have to edit any code to change these settings there are just like that because ui isnt done!