Looking for a volunteer scripter as well as a volunteer builder(1-2). The game will take place in a small town in Ohio. The games genre will mainly be Realistic Roleplay. The game will include illegal arms dealers,legal arms dealers,melee dealers,as well as buyable houses and many more features. I myself will be doing some of the scripting which is why I’m only looking for 1 other scripter. The builder(s) must be able to create roads,doors,sidewalks,townhouses,and small shops. I am getting around $500-$600 in a month or so which will be used as a backup plan as well as a source of funding for advertising. If the game does succeed you will be paid a percentage from gamepass funds as well as devproducts. If the game does not succeed which I very do believe it will, you will be paid in USD via pia with my backup plan funds. I currently have a small discord server set up for it as well which includes pre-alpha testers to test the game when it first launches or any bugs,etc. I currently do have scripting progress on the game which contains: Datastores for cash,Name,Age,Warnings. As well as a menu gui I’m currently working on at the moment. Pictures:
If you would like to contact me for further details or apply please add me on discord: justin4#3296
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