Vortex HQ | About Us

Welcome! :wave:

Hey there! We’re Vortex HQ, a Discord bot company that connects via Roblox. Our purpose is to allow all group sizes to use our products. We also strive to ensure our customers are satisfied with our products and support.

Member Counters :bar_chart:

Our company provides a member counter that updates every 2 minutes (as of 12/16/2020). We allow all users to get this for the low price of FREE! We even allow you to customize the emoji we use in the member counter. Our goal is to ensure our products are customized heavily yet it’s simple to do. If interested in using our member counter, please open a ticket via our Support Server!

Bots :robot:

And of course, we have a bot! This bot is beneficial in many ways such as utilities for example. Coming soon, we’re creating a Roblox Verification system that’s going into all our bots. For a full list of our commands, please check our docs here. All of this is for the low price of 200 Robux a month or $2 USD a month. We’d love to be serving you, if you’d like to order a bot from us, please visit our Support Server to order one! We also have a dashboard in the works that’s planned to be released this month or early next month.

The Team

Vortex HQ would be nothing without or amazing developers. We thank our developers for putting in the hard work required to keep Vortex HQ running!

Why Us?

I’m sure you know there are a lot of different companies out there that produce bots, we’re one of those! We strive to ensure our customers are satisfied with our products. We also have a goal to respond to all tickets within 2 business hours. We ensure support and customer service come first. If our clients aren’t satisfied with us, nor are we. We are community-driven, and we admire that. We host game nights and socialize with our community.

Thank You!

Wow, thanks for making it to the end, I know this is a long post! We truly hope you enjoy our services. If you have any questions, please reach out to us via our Support Server so we can help you out. On behalf of the Vortex Staff, we hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night!

Thank you,
Founder of Vortex HQ


Aren’t there many other free verification bots for discord, that come with lots of features that don’t cost anything?

Also, would we have to host our own bot and we’d get the files or would you host it?

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Hey there, I can answer this!

Aren’t there many other free verification bots for discord, that come with lots of features that don’t cost anything?

Yes, this is true. However, it hooks into the bot you would order, so it then connects to the rest of our great services!

Also, would we have to host our own bot and we’d get the files or would you host it?

You don’t have to worry about hosting anything. We handle the files and everything. If you have a custom bot, let us know and we can discuss hosting options.


This bot looks promising. Hopefully this could become the next Campfire HQ or RoVer/Bloxlink!

It’s nice and unique to see you accepting multiple forms of payments, however how will you handle these payments? Will they be automatic, manual?

I like the use of a dashboard, a lot of verification bots lack this feature and I find dashboards simple and easy to use, especially for people trying to grow a Discord server.

All in all, I like this concept, and would love to see this project grow.

Have a great day and Happy Holidays! :santa:

P.S: Love the art designs.


This bot looks promising. Hopefully this could become the next Campfire HQ or RoVer/Bloxlink!

Thank you so much, this truly means a lot to our team!

It’s nice and unique to see you accepting multiple forms of payments, however how will you handle these payments? Will they be automatic, manual?

We currently have this planned:
If a client wishes to pay with Robux, they join our hub and input their Discord Guild ID. After that, our bots will ensure a bot isn’t yet associated with that guild. If it’s not, that’ll pay with a developer product. After that, they’ll be told to visit our website so they can customize their new bot, it’s that simple! For USD payment, they just purchase our product from our site, then they’re able to customize their bot via our dashboard. This is currently all in the planning and development stage and we hope to have this our mid-January.

I like the use of a dashboard, a lot of verification bots lack this feature and I find dashboards simple and easy to use, especially for people trying to grow a Discord server.

I really agree, a dashboard allows true customizability for the user’s bot. We’re planning on making it a sleek design and even easy to navigate.

Thanks for the compliment, and have a Happy Holiday to you too! :christmas_tree:

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Hiya, everyone! I wanted to let you all know our prices have dropped for our bots! It was previously 300 Robux a month/$3 USD a month, now it’s only 200 Robux a month/$2 USD a month. As stated above, our goal is to allow all group sized to use our products so they can focus on growing their group. Sadly, this means we will be running small ads on our website to pay for essential costs, it won’t impact user experience, however. Please reach out to us if you have any questions!

Vortex HQ Board of Directors

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With this recent price drop what percent of revenue goes back into keeping the bot running? Hosting fees and stuff like that aren’t too expensive, but I can’t see you guys making a profit and maintaining the bot’s status for just 1 USD a month. Is there another source of funds for Vortex?

As a potential client I would be worried about spending money on this service just for it to go down because you guys couldn’t afford to keep the bot running anymore.

Hey there! Our small advertisements are planned to keep us in business. Due to our current size, we have all the power we need to stay in business. On top of that, I’m willing to invest in Vortex HQ if it’s needed. When we also get USD customers, it adds up. Just 10 USD clients bring in $10 which can cover one month’s worth of fees (This isn’t set in stone as we upgrade our servers).

Sadly at this point, we have no USD customers.

Therefore, we’re not currently worried regrading funding. Thank you for your concern! Please reach out to me if you need anything! :slight_smile:

What sets this project apart from Campfire HQ?

Hey there! There are many things that’ll set us apart, here is a little list:

  • We respond to tickets ASAP. Normally we respond within seconds. Our goal is 2 business hours. Campfire’s support is much later.
  • We keep our bots updated, Campfire was just updated for the first time in months, due to their focus is Hyra.
  • Our support is not only helpful, but we’re enthusiastic.
  • We give back to the community as much as we can with giveaways.
  • Our goal is to help businesses, not make money. That’s why our services are low priced. We want to see progress within our clients.
  • We use the latest technology to make our products.

Have a lovely day! :slight_smile:

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I am going to review from a Buyer POV.
So the customer support is nice, but I don’t agree on your support time, 2 times I’ve

I love the commands, I feel like you guys are a little outdated with somed of the roblox API features.

Hi there, sorry for the delayed response! We’re updating our bot often with new commands and we’re working on things past commands such as a new site, application centers, and more!

Regarding our support times, our average first response time is current under 2 minutes.

However, when we get an influx of conversations, support times may be delayed. We also aren’t able to normally respond outside of our office hours.

Hope this helps! :grinning:

This post is quite outdated, we’re now Stryx! A new post will be composed shortly.