Vote for our Groups new Logo!

Im the Owner of the Game Studio Group: KingDestroyers Studios and im working on a new Group Logo!

This is the Current Group Logo we have right now (2018-2023)

I have made 5 new Logos which imma let you all Vote on to be the new Group Logo only the one with the most Votes by July 8th 2023 will be the new logo any logo that gets close i’ll likely keep for a future potential logo!
–== Vote Below ==–
(Option 1)
Group Logo Vote 1

(Option 2)

(Option 3)

(Option 4)

(Option 5)

Vote Which Logo Above should be KingDestroyers Studios new Logo!
  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • I want to keep the old Logo!
  • I want one of the options above but a change needs to happen!
  • N/A

0 voters

Thanks for your Support!


Gonna go with option 4, just seems more cleaner to me


They are quite low effort don’t you think?


I agree in the sense that aspects of most of the logos don’t seem very well thought out; the color choice seems completely random, the lines are jagged and uneven and most of them generally aren’t very visually appealing.
The fourth one is an exception as it s GFX, but even then the background is a 2d gradient with some white circles on it and the sign’s font has been stretched, plus you can see the low resolution of the clothes. Finally, the composition is unbalanced as the avatar is to the left of the icon, meaning the right looks very empty.


Plus option 6



To be honest, I like this one more than all the ones in the OP


You do realize this reads “King Destroy Studios Studios” right???


bro what are you talking about, it has the same abbreviation letters as the other images

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Read it. Its says:

K ing
D estroyer
S tudios


The letter “S” in the acronym already stands for studios. By putting studios again at the bottom, you are doubling it.


oh ok sorry but it’s kinda hard to notice tho anyway so it would still work, plus it’s less low effort than the ones OP sent so it’s pretty decent but yeah that’s an error

Yeah I do agree it is much better than the others.

Perhaps by removing one of the “Studios” the error could be fixed easily by the creator.


Just Wonderin… What Software do you use?

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These logos are pretty basic, but they look alright. I think logo #4 would be the best option for you.

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Im on android i guess i messed up the logo a bit -.-

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Yeah sorry bout that error -v-

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I think that no matter how cool these logos look the old one just feels more unique


What about this?


Looks good. Definitely the best out of any other options in this post in my opinion.

I think the background would fit well with a studio that makes a horror game as it looks like TV static.

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hmm so should i make it a more fun bg?

I tried making something ‘fun’. im not really into the ‘fun’ art style. so its a first for me
He group has some obbies so i gues the fun vibe is most fit for them