Vote for the asset marketplace back HERE

Not all of it was, and there’s also a decent lack of quality in the portfolios category. Does that mean that the ROBLOX staff should remove the portfolios category too? Should they remove low quality games because they’re not up to the standard of high quality games?


No no… portfolios are there for employers looking for people that do a role in game development. People were often misusing the asset marketplace for a place to get reviews on their build, like “rate my building /10”, the pricing, and while I don’t believe low quality assets are the only reason, the reason would probably be misuse. The “low quality” could be applied to games, yes, but that would go against Roblox’s motto “Powering Imagination”.

Quality is subjective, and shouldn’t be the only reason for a removal. There were other reasons.

I think it was one of the BEST things to have happened to the forum. Most of the assets were of extremely low quality and spited a lot of arguments.

The forum is a place to inform and help one another developer. The asset-marketplace contradicted this purpose/belief so its removal was bound to happen.

I really hope some of the mods see this post and the people’s responses to it…

I feel this wasn’t the best idea on Robloxs be half but I think it was good too. I feel that it should be brought back but ban things like auctions and scamming. I think the approach should have been different…

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There is “most likely” which means probably. No I don’t think that they don’t make mistakes but as someone who would laugh at the offers in that category I see why they removed it.

We got by without the asset marketplace. It’s removal is of no significance when the category was just misused and full of low-quality work.


I personally think low quality assets is not a legitimate reason for it’s removal, though there were many invalid posts within that section you could usually find decent high quality assets that could be used and the asset marketplace made it easy to browse for what you need, in my opinion it should be brought back but with different approach to the rules within that section and with bans on things like scamming and extremely low quality assets.

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The forum is for collaboration and to help one another, not selling things to other people.

Best reply I have read all day ;(. I fully support this! I believe that younger developers would really benefit from this.

I remember when I was 12, devforum wasn’t a viable option (…thank god for that because I would have been a :clown_face:) I read a few articles on how to be more cohesive and such until I had developed a bit more of a mature etiquette. It is too late to backtrack to make so that DevForum is only for 15+ but at least make the newer members go through a test/process to evaluate their maturity.

But asset sales had a whole stinking category…diminishes the purpose of your statement

Elaborate lol? What are you trying to get at?

I think despite its flaws, the asset marketplace did what it was supposed to do.

I’ve gone through the replies and I understand that people take advantage/scam, there are a lot of beginners, and most of it is considered useless trash. These are good points and definitely solidify the removal.

However, I would like to note how removing a general, public and legal marketplace for plain assets leads to a black market formation. And sure, there is probably already a black market, but do we want to take the legal marketplace away just so a black market is one of the only options available?

For all you LMADers out there, this is really the same exact case the Roblox Forums had with LMAD. People used to have a free and legal place to sell advertise their limiteds, create offers. And if people were interested, you dealt with the matter privately. The issue is, so many scammers came around that it was hard to manage the marketplace. You didn’t need a membership “status” to post, so imagine what the forum would look like now with the bots we see today.

Here, however, we have restrictions. You need to be a New Member to post in selected sections. And while it isn’t that hard to attain that status, it is definitely hard to bot - we don’t have random “click me” posts appearing. The only issue that remains is scamming.

So I would like to propose that instead of wiping the asset marketplace from the surface of Roblox, perhaps we can have a trust system for assets. i.e., a separate place that has the same restrictions as the DevForum has now, with the same status, but some added restrictions based on consumer satisfaction and number of products allowed to sell/week.

Again, I really think this is important to help developers realize that selling their assets shouldn’t be considered wrong. We just need a proper environment. Obviously the old category had its flaws, but I believe there is room to improve the concept to make the asset marketplace what it should be.

Couldn’t we not allow members that haven’t been here for X time not allowed to sell models?
If the asset marketplace is removed, UGC and the plugin marketplace should be too. In fact the UGC catalog is starting to go downhill and the plugin marketplace is much lower quality than the asset marketplace.


“Legal” is most likely not the term you want to use here. There is no such thing as a “legal” way to buy and sell assets from the Roblox platform, or not a way that’s open to the public. I’m pretty sure they’re in the works of creating a better way of selling and buying assets, that’s probably going to end up on the actual website and not on the forums. (I’m not sure how true this is; I’ve only heard about it on Twitter and couldn’t find any official Roblox statements on it.)

Buying and selling assets on here would just be 100% the same as if you were to buy and sell your assets on Twitter. There is legitimately no differences besides the fact where it’s been posted. If the issue is botting websites, there’s many ways for Discord servers and other websites to avoid bots. This isn’t connected to the Asset Marketplace at all and shouldn’t be a point on why we should keep it on the DevForums.

Here’s my post about more why it should probably remain gone. The only “way” I would suggest Roblox add a place where users can buy and sell assets it another type of UGC. We already can create free models, just allow users to sell them. There is a lot of issues with this idea, and there’s a lot that could go wrong, but it’s better to having a forum system.

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I don’t have a side on this. I am fine either way. I just don’t like how Roblox didn’t even communicate to us or let us know before hand or even announce this change. It’s like they want to keep this a secret or don’t want us to know their reasons for removing one of the most liked categories of the Dev-forum (Possibly, my guess, correct me if I am wrong.) I just want to hear from the community developers on why they did this without hearing people’s thoughts on it before hand or letting us know.


The problem:
The asset marketplace was for many developers including me the easiest way to find the right niche willing to buy our assets which in turn directly affected our biggest sources of income which is, of course, the sale of assets.

Thus now the category being gone, our biggest source of income has been gone with it, or at least, diminished to a great extent.

I’ve tried using other platforms like Discord but they just don’t do the trick.

I get that the subcategory was perceived as a massive cesspit full of bad quality posts, scandalous prices and unuseful feedback created by a massive number of amateurs but be aware, there were a lot of capable people who put up good quality posts, fair prices with great communication.

My advice;

Bring back the category and impose strict rules and or restrictions to counter this " cesspit " from forming.

I feel like this should have been done in the first place instead of removing the subcategory entirely in one go.

as for this, please reconsider putting that category or a replacement up online, a few bad apples do not ruin the rest of the tree.


Honestly, even if they enforce rules, a lot of people dont read rules, and once again, it’ll just be spammed with bad content.

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I do agree and disagree at the same time, if they do add it back since there is a ton of new people coming into the devforum, they will not read the rules or they’re just scammers in general. Ever since the devforum let a ton of people in, there’s been a rise in scammers and complete fools. I’m not saying everyone who’s been let in recently is a complete fool or scammer, it’s just that there is a lot of them now.

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This exists.

I’ve seen a lot of messages about restoring the category with a harsher set of rules but the above thread is more than enough. A lot of users may not know this exists or have seen and ignored it. Some people suggesting more rules are right in the same boat.

The thing is that the community hasn’t been doing their part well to keep the category clean. Users are fully capable of flagging bad posts or privately touching base with creators about improving their posts or not selling rudimentary work. The display often seen on posts with uninterested individuals unconstructively lambasting new developers was also unsightly.

Ultimately the DevForum runs on manual moderation which is not scalable and we shouldn’t just be off-the-fly adding neck-tight rules and hammering posts. It was a joint effort; there was a significant amount of bad threads and posts in the category (low quality assets, plagiarism, unconstructive feedback, lack of interest, failure to follow rules, so on) that made the category not worth continuing to support, among other things.

Recreating the category and overregulating it does not solve any of the issues that the category had, nor is it an effective or efficient solution. Ultimately it comes down to the community and their way of using the forum and I can tell you a few bad apples weren’t ruining the tree, it was that a few good apples were on a bad tree.