Voting poll: Do I add character customization?

I have been making a sci-fi project and I was wondering. Do I add avatar customization?
Here is a couple of screenshots of the game’s lobby without character customization. I currently have no screenshots with character customization, because I haven’t already developed it.

What do you think? vote down here

  • With character customization
  • Without character customization
  • Players choice, meaning they can choose to customize their character and they can choose to keep their Roblox character

0 voters


I mean i would add something like stock sfi-fi looking character and they can idk change the colors…


If you can please re-vote, since I edited my post.

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I say a mix, because some players may want to make their character fit in more, but other players may not care or already have a good character for the theme.

I’m afraid that you’re lacking any kind of details for our vote to mean anything other than making the decision for you. This is just a map, there’s nothing else to go off of.

Character customisation is only really fit towards games where you still allow players the freedom to choose how their characters look though scoped to the theme of your game. For example, I wouldn’t want characters running around with neon Adidas clothing and sparkling white wings for an apocalyptic game that has a serious tone to it, especially if that tone has narrative significance.

What’s the premise of your game? Is your game a game in the first place, or just a showcase? If there’s no real reason to have character customisation, then you shouldn’t be wasting your time on doing it. If you want characters to adopt styles in the theme of the game only, then sure, feel free.