Votol Hotels - Training Info

Job information & tasks:

You cannot apply for a rank if you are suspended.

To get a job here: you must first complete and pass an application, complete and pass an interview and pass training.

------------------------------------------------------ LOW RANKS ------------------------------------------------------

  • Security
  • Housekeeper
  • Receptionist

------------------------------------------------------ MIDDLE RANKS ---------------------------------------------------

  • Head of services
  • Supervisor
  • Manager
  • General Manager

------------------------------------------------------ HIGH RANKS -------------------------------------------------------

  • Board of Directors
  • Administration Team
  • Junior Corporate
  • Corporate
  • Contributor

------------------------------------------------------ SUPER HIGH RANKS ---------------------------------------------

  • Presidents Assistant
  • Vice President
  • President

To get ranks above a “Low Rank”, you must be promoted. Super high ranks are almost unobtainable.


Quick info about me: I am a developer for Votol working along Lead Developer @avrchh.

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