Voxel Lighting Technology Overriding Desired Lighting Technology

I’ve noticed this weird “bug” in my studio lately, I can’t seem to change my lighting technology and it’s always stuck to Voxel. I want to change my technology to Future however the dropdown automatically selects Voxel even though I selected Future. I know it seems quite weird and confusing so here’s a gif with the bug in action: LINK. I’ve tried to test this on other games and it’s the same thing, I can “change” the technology but when I click on something else it just sets the technology to Voxel.

This bug is very annoying and I’d love to hear any possible solutions and help, thank you in advance!

does this happen in a blank baseplate with all plugins disabled?

Sorry everyone (and everyone from the future) I was able to fix this by uninstalling and reinstalling studio (my bad lol) and yes this used to occur when in blank baseplates with all plugins disabled.

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