Hello, I am trying to make a voxel terrain generator and I ran into an issue.
This is my first time working with perlin noise but I got the perlin noise working fine. I made a chunk generator function that generates 1 chunk (16x16) but, when I spawn another chunk next to it its supposed to be inline with eachother. This is the outcome of my attempts…
As you can see, they do not line up.
I have tried offsetting the perlin noise texture to where the chunk is in the world but that hasnt worked either, here is my code for the generation…
local Knit = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["@game/modules_"]["@game/modules/knit_"].Packages.Knit)
local PerlinService = Knit.GetService("PerlinNoiseService")
local LowestY = 2 -- How many layers are spawned underneath the first (Lowered for performance sake)
local OffsetZ,OffsetX = 0,0
function GenerateChunk(At)
if At.Z ~= 0 then
OffsetZ = OffsetZ + math.abs(At.Z) -- I try to offset the perlin texture
if At.X ~= 0 then
OffsetX = OffsetX + math.abs(At.X) -- I try to offset the perlin texture here aswell
print(OffsetX, OffsetZ) -- Debug to see if it was offsetting or not
local Options = {
PerlinSize = 50,
PerlinAmplitude = 30,
PerlinGain = 0.5,
PerlinLacunarity = 1.5,
PerlinScale = 50,
PerlinOctaves = 4,
PerlinZOffset = OffsetZ,
PerlinXOffset = OffsetX
local ChunkModel = Instance.new("Model")
ChunkModel.Name = "Chunk" .. math.random(1,10)
ChunkModel.Parent = workspace
for Index,NoiseNode in pairs(NoiseTable) do
if typeof(NoiseNode) == 'Vector3' then
local Position = (At + NoiseNode)
local Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
local ColorLerp = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
local block2 = Instance.new("Part")
block2.Parent = ChunkModel
block2.Size = Vector3.new(3,3,3)
block2.Position = Position
block2.Anchored = true
block2.Color = Color:Lerp(ColorLerp, math.clamp(Position.Y/100*2, -1, 1))
for i = 1,math.abs(LowestY) do
local block = Instance.new("Part")
block.Parent = ChunkModel
block.Size = Vector3.new(3,3,3)
block.Position = Position + Vector3.new(0,-(3 * i),0)
block.Anchored = true
block.Color = block2.Color
GenerateChunk(Vector3.new(0,0,-(50 * 3))) -- Second chunk generates next to the first
And here is the code for the perlin generator…
local Knit = require(game.ReplicatedStorage["@game/modules_"]["@game/modules/knit_"].Packages.Knit)
local Perlin = Knit.CreateService {
Name = "PerlinNoiseService",
function Perlin:CreateNoise(Options)
local PerlinSize,Amplitude,Gain,Lacunarity,Scale,Octaves,ZOffset,XOffset
= Options.PerlinSize, Options.PerlinAmplitude, Options.PerlinGain, Options.PerlinLacunarity, Options.PerlinScale, Options.PerlinOctaves, Options.PerlinZOffset, Options.PerlinXOffset
local PerlinTable = {}
function PerlinTable:andThen(Function)
for x = 0,PerlinSize do
for z = 0,PerlinSize do
local amplitude = 1
local frequency = 1
local total = 0
local normalizer = 0
for octave=1, Octaves do
local noise = math.noise(((x + XOffset) / Scale) * frequency, ((z + ZOffset) / Scale) * frequency)
noise = math.clamp(noise, -1, 1)
total += noise * amplitude
amplitude *= Gain
frequency *= Lacunarity
normalizer += amplitude
total /= normalizer
total *= Amplitude
table.insert(PerlinTable, Vector3.new(x * 3, math.floor(total + 10) * 3, z * 3))
return PerlinTable
Any help is appreciated, thanks.