What is the proper category for posting about Roblox VPN trouble?
Probably platform usage support, Id guess at least
Is anyone else having trouble connecting to Roblox games ( experiences ) when using a VPN?
is this more of a VPN issue, or a roblox issue? vpn issues should be resolved by reporting your issue to the vpn you’re using. roblox cannot fix if another companies product is not working
try switching locations, seeing if there’s a bandwidth limit, trying another vpn, or reporting the issue to the vpn provider
Roblox functions completely fine with VPN on my pc, although I sometimes get error 429 (Too many requests). I don’t know how bad this is with free VPNs though. I’m using a paid vless protocol VPN server.
There are often connection issues with free VPNs.
Other sites connect just fine with free VPNs. Roblox, however, has trouble, so the issue is either with Roblox or the the free VPNs are limiting Roblox connections. There is ZERO data indicating which is the case.
Roblox will rate limit a vpn server if it’s sending too many requests.