VR + Animation capture question

Recently I’ve been thinking of a strange idea in the back of my head. What if it was possible to use VR with full-body tracking to create animations and then bring them to life on Roblox. Would it be smoother than manually creating it by hand, what issues would it bring, how would I do that? I believe I solved how to do that but haven’t fully tried it. I wanted everybody’s idea on if they think it possible and if so if it would be smoother than most animations and would people actually want animations made from VR with potential issues in the future?

I know looking back at some of Roblox music events that were recorded using a full-body tracking suit in a room which obviously says the fact it’s possible but they probably made a special way to do such a thing.

I just want some feedback on what you guys think about it.


I think this would be a FANTASTIC feature. Roblox animation is smooth by itself, but using a full-body tracking suit? That would be even smoother. Plus, it could pave the way for awesome Rthro animations (Yes, I know, a lot of you hate Rthro, but this could be really good for realistic games). I can already tell it would be EXTREMELY complicated, however. This would probably be more useful for professional devs.

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No idea how this would work, but this is essentially motion capture animation, and could be done in third party programs like Blender and imported into Roblox.

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This has been done by Roblox themselves for the Lil Nas X event and yes this is possible since you could do it in an external program and import the animation into Roblox. However, it would probably be very hard since you need to make sure the joints work.

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It just costs alot of money and isnt really neccesary, but yes it exists anyways

Yeah, At the moment I just have a steam index with full-body tracking which is two trackers on my feet and one on my waist. I just think how smooth it would be to record animation in blender and then move it onto a R6 model but then again like you mentioned it would probably be quite hard to make sure the joints work smoothly and together.

I actually did this in one of my “games”. I used a plugin to capture the cframes of the headset rotation and basically scripted the camera to follow the frames. It’s a little buggy, but I think its a good place to start

heres the plugin if you wanna look at it: Record VR Camera Input - Roblox
and heres that “game” i was talking about: updating game - Roblox (lasts about 10 seconds then teleports you to another game of mine called Sip Sip)

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Sorry for the bump but I just figured out how to do full body tracking, you can record your movements in game as well.

Cool stuff:

Made this within 3 hours.