Hey there! Just wondering what type of VR will run roblox. I’m assuming the Meta Quest?
This broke a massive part of my game - whoops! Don’t worry it’s all fixed now.
It did break all of studio and I had to re-install it, but at this point that’s pretty common.
Please see the updated note about Nexus VR in the main post. Thanks.
I like the new comfort mode for VR users.
You mostly saved my life by figuring out how I could find a solution, but this update definitely saved my time and allowed me to take a breather. This primarily makes VR players feel at ease and improves their experience with the game.
Looks neat!
The drift camera looks a bit wonky though, perhaps make the player closer to the camera for more control?
Can the VR portion of the PlayerModule also check to see if Player.CameraMode is set to LockFirstPerson before letting VR users go to third person by default? It’s not a huge issue since setting Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance to 0.5 keeps VR players from leaving first person, but it was confusing for a bit until I took a look at the code.
Thanks for the report! I’ve got a fix coming soon.
When will we be able to disable this annoyance
press the two arrows and don’t look down
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