VR Camera and Comfort Updates (UPDATE)

Hi Developers,

We are continuing to improve how users can play and interact with your experiences in VR. With our latest update, we have added additional camera and comfort options:

  • New Default Camera: third person follow camera that keeps your avatar in view
  • Comfort Settings: multiple comfort levels, including a configurable custom option

If you have forked PlayerScripts in your experience, we encourage merging the latest Playerscripts to get the camera updates and ensure the comfort settings work correctly.

Comfort Settings

Every person will have a different sensitivity level to motion within VR, so we wanted to provide different options for our users. Within the Roblox System menu on a VR headset, players can quickly choose between multiple levels of comfort.

Pre-configured Comfort Options

  • Comfort
    • Third person fixed “comfort” camera, vignette, and stepped rotation.
    • No camera movement; you will see the avatar move away from the camera and the camera will teleport to your new position when you stop moving.
  • Default
    • Third person follow “drift” camera (more info on this below), vignette and stepped rotation.
  • Expert
    • All comfort options are turned off. There is a full motion camera, full rotation, and no vignette.
  • Custom
    • Adjustable advanced options to create your ideal comfort setting.

Custom Options

  • VR Vignette
    • Turns on the vignette, which is a black ring that blocks your peripheral vision and lowers discomfort.
  • VR Stepped Rotation
    • Instead of rotating with full motion, the camera will rotate in stepped increments as you press the right thumbstick to rotate the camera
  • Third Person Fixed Camera
    • The camera will never move with the avatar, instead it will teleport to the new position when the avatar stops moving; this includes movement due to player input and the environment (e.g. conveyor belt).

Third Person Follow “Drift” Camera

We have added a new third person camera as the default camera, so players can enjoy their favorite obby’s and other popular Roblox experiences that tend to play better in a third person view.

In VR, your head controls the camera, so it’s possible to turn in a direction and lose sight of your avatar in a third person view. However, with the new camera, when you push forward on the thumbstick, you will still move forward in the direction you are facing, and as you move your avatar, the camera will gradually drift your character back into view. Try it out and let us know what you think!


As always, we want your thoughts on the menu, camera, and overall VR experience. The full release of Roblox on the Meta Quest is coming soon, so get those PlayerScripts merged as soon as you can and let us know if you run into any issues!

Be on the lookout for more updates coming soon including additional improvements to the vehicle, swimming, and current camera.

Thank you!

NEXUS VR DEVS: we are passing along info that you should update to the latest version, if you have the auto-update turned off. We’ll be turning facial animation back on for VR users, and there is a related issue which is fixed with the new Nexus VR release.


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Awesome sauce! VR comfort is actually the difference between a “yes” or “no” when using VR for some people. Great on you guys for embracing those problems.


Thank you so much, finally!! I’ve been trying to find a way to do this for so long. I hate the stepped rotation and the vignette, those “comfort” features just detract from the experience when I’m someone who doesn’t suffer from motion sickness. I’m so glad we have the option to turn this off now.

Now all we need is a high-quality first-person camera, too.


This is awesome to see! I really like the UX of the sliding scale here in particular, and I’m also fond of the changes to reframe the character since I’ve run into this one a lot myself. It basically killed my 3P usage before, maybe now I’ve got to try again

I’m happy to see continued work in this area to get more people to the right level of comfort to enjoy VR stuff more optimally :slight_smile:


Will we have support for the PSVR2/PSVR1


natural disaster survival is the new meta


Nice QoL updates! Makes VR much more enjoyable.


Still wish we had good default first person VR without devs having to implement it themselves but this looks like a good improvement to the third person VR.


This right here. I don’t mean to get off topic, but this is why we need regular Roblox advanced graphics settings. Roblox is doing it everywhere else but the graphics slider. Notice how Roblox cares more for the very few players who can afford VR, and their motion sickness, than the average playerbase on a year two thousand who-knows-what mobile device trying to get a stable framerate inside a ~50x~50 viewable area.

If you want more info, go here:

Also, I totally love this update as a whole, even though I don’t have a VR xD


Thats so cool! I wonder if it will work/be available on PSVR1/PSVR2.


These changes were desperately needed. One thing that always annoyed me about Roblox VR was that my camera settings were never serialised upon joining a new server. Has this finally been fixed? I always hated having to disable the vignette and enable smooth turning every time I joined a Roblox game in VR. Other than that, these settings look a lot more usable and will make the joining process quite a bit faster.


Thanks for the feedback, we’re working on it!


Your own VR settings will carry over to every game that is using the default playerscripts OR the latest VR scripts merged in to custom playerscripts. If the game has older custom scripts, this won’t work (which is why we encourage all devs with custom scripts to merge the latest!).


Slowly and surely, Roblox is becoming a great source of VR games! Now if only Roblox made their own immersive VR client. That would streamline the creation of VR titles and allow developers to build off one central and uniform client that allows the player to experience the game from their character!


Wow muy espectacular esto!! Grandeee


Love the new drift camera, makes all of our games feel way better on VR, still looking for performance to be better though as its very weak right now


Heck yes, that’s awesome!

Are you guys gonna be working on a 3 point upper body system so our hands and head are tracked? Will be able to see our bodies??

Man, the opportunities are endless!


This is pretty nice! I’m excited to try this out.


Nice update for VR, thanks, will it be possible to work individually with parameters for rendering and camera parameters for VR headsets ?