VR Camera separated from Client Camera?

So I’ve been thinking after watching this video:

How can something like a streaming show on Twitch could work


would they need 2 accounts? 1 for watching the VR user and the other being the VR User that is streaming?


Is it possible to separate what the VR User streaming sees from what the Client on the PC sees?
or something similar?

I’ve been thinking myself of experimenting with something similar to that… so what do you guys think?

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As I can see the Mouse around the screen sometimes, I guess there are 2 accounts. AFAIK you cannot separate the camera from the client. (VR)

Not sure if this is the right cattegory, try #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.


thank you for your comment, and yeah this is like, my second post so im still trying to get used to this website, ill try on #help-and-feedback:scripting-support !

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As I can see the Mouse around the screen sometimes, I guess there are 2 accounts. AFAIK you cannot separate the camera from the client. (VR)

most likely what I was afraid of…

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