[VR] CoreGui SafetyBubble throws errors "Model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() failed because no PrimaryPart"

The VR CoreGui script SafetyBubble reports errors quite frequently due to trying to access a non-existing primary part.

In NERF Strike this has happened 160k times in the last 24h (previous day had 20k VR sessions in total, which makes the error rate 8 per session).

Model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() failed because no PrimaryPart has been set, or the PrimaryPart no longer exists. Please set Model.PrimaryPart before using this.

Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.VR.SafetyBubble’, Line 293 - function update
Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.VR.VRHub’, Line 103 - function onRenderSteppedLast

My guess is that it attempt to access the character PrimaryPart without proper checks.

Not sure if this has any real negative impact other than it’s a frequent error.


I am getting this also. Any help from someone at roblox would be awesome!


Thanks for your report, we’re looking into it.

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Just confirmed this is fixed! Gonna close it out. Thanks again for the report :slight_smile:

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