VR Hands help needed

I am trying to make a labyrinth/dungeon crawling VR game where you explore the maze you live in to find blocks to make your base out of, which then you need to defend against hordes of zombies. I have been searching through VR kits for two days now and am terribly motionsick. I am in need of a VR kit that can actually handle

  • Respawning (no snapping back or flying through blocks to get to where you died, if you die, you respawn at the respawnpoint)
  • Picking up blocks (meaning Nexus is out of the equation. I am so infuriated at the developer for how incredibly ridiculous his support is.
  • Vertical height (for whatever reason most kits I find have you just float straight through blocks or worse, spin out of control)
  • No flying (self explanatory)

I don’t have the time, patience, knowledge or stomach to try to make my own right now. It seems like making ROBLOX VR games is trial and error followed by consistent vomiting after playtesting.

Edit a few days later: Wow, I sounded like a real idiot writing this. I guess I was tired? Sorry.

Hey, I just released an open-sourced VR framework

It uses the default humanoid functions, if you get motion-sick from locomotion then you could always edit the code just a little bit to include teleportation.

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Thanks, I’ll check it out! Kinda having bad memories from testing at all of the stinkin’ kits, so I’ll do it later.