R6 VR version 1 is now open sourced

The VR Thing for R6 avatars has been released!
(i don’t have a name for it)

Add the loader into workspace or serverscriptservice and everything else will be done for you

VR loader source code can be found here


I can’t seem to get this to work. Can you tell me where to put the loader and where to put the holder map and/or it’s content?


All you need is the loader for it to work. And make sure to either put it in server script service or workspace.

Alright thanks!

(some text because otherwise I can’t post this message lol)


Holy crap this is the best thing i’ve ever seen, not to metion
It works with

  • Physics
  • R6
  • Alot of nonscripted type games (like sword fights on the heights)


  • Make it so you can sit on chairs if you sit down irl
  • We need crouching so its not like we are stuck when we are down, and if we are to far down you should make an crawling animation or something

It’s better then the nexus VR in my opinon, mostly because it looks better not transparent and it feels more robloxy it dose look like nexus VR when it walks but thats fine.

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Amazing. Exactly what I wanted!

Recommend adding the thing that CLOVR has, where it shows players near you in an minecraft like paperdoll camera but it shows people around you in the area, That’ll be an neat feature.

Quick update!

I’m very sorry I have not been making patches and updates recently, my oculus rift s display cable died.

I also found out just how tiny the rift s controllers are relative to real life compared to the Roblox avatar

Hello, wanted to say that even tho this works really good for me its a lil bit different of a situation, since my camera is anchored to a different place the controls have changed a lil, this results in wherever I look at changing what direction I move, unsure of how Nexus works just fine but yours doesn’t, here’s what I am currently working on to get a better idea of what im explaining:

That message was a little hard to read so I’m going to try and decrypt it.
It sounds like where-ever the eye or streamer camera is looking it bases the thumbstick movement off of that.

Also this (unsure of how Nexus works)
The way nexus camera works is that it bases the cameras position off of the players upper-torso and neck motor, as well as adding the eye offset.

the way mine works is that I place the camera on the root part with a camera offset for crouching, then I do some math to orientate it so it works with headlocked

sorry I couldn’t find a proper way to explain “that” its mostly an issue coming from the way I scripted my camera, I’m trying to redo it, but I do think that the reason why the model from Nexus works just fine with the camera I have is because he uses a different model for the player

I sometimes get this error and sometimes don’t

" Requested module experienced an error while loading - Server - LoadVR:8 "

nvm only happens when the player isn’t in VR

Hmmm, in the LoadVR module it doesn’t look like it should be causing any errors since the 8th line is blank.

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the place itself is whitelisted, but eventually im gonna try to make it fully open for anybody to try! or well, able to edit the place, etc or idk x), im very new to coding

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Yeah, sorry about that I forgot to do it yesterday.

Woo, I got my headset to work just enough to where I can test alright. Just can’t do anything extreme or else it will disconnect and oculus will shut down all mouse and keyboard input for awhile as it’s doing a temper tantrum.

This is what I call

Creative complexetive big brain(I don’t even know what I just said lol)