For our stealth game, all ideas welcome
I don’t know the specifics of your game, but making the electric shock alert nearby enemies (if it already doesn’t) would be a good addition!!
I assume this is a healing item, so a system similar to Half-Life: Alyx would be great. When Valve was playtesting the game, they found when players tried healing themselves, instead of injecting the health boost/stim in their hands, they would attempt to stick it into their real-world body, and I think a system like this in Roblox would be great!
The taser thing doesn’t feel like a healing device to me, more-so a bomb or literally just a taser. If shocking someone is healing, maybe the character is a robot? That might not make sense either though. I’m not sure what a better alternative would be.
Shooting security cameras seems like an awesome idea for a stealth game. Feels straight out of the modern segments from Assassins Creed, the ones with Desmond. Anyhow, I think cameras might blend too much into the environment and some players might not know the detection range of the cameras. (If that last one matters to the gameplay, I’m not sure.)
I’m trying to think of some ideas for a stealth game in VR. Climbing wouldn’t work well, nor crawling on the ground. Hiding behind walls and popping your head out occasionally to wait for a guard to turn their back sounds like a great idea imo.