VR Input Lag & No Knuckles Support

I think Roblox stopped attempting to pursue VR a while ago, but that won’t stop me from at least trying to get bugs fixed. Roblox seems to have some sort of visual input lag (moving your headset & controllers has a minuscule but noticeable delay). In addition, there is no built-in support for the soon-to-be-released Knuckles controllers, so SteamVR resorts to trying to map normal Vive controls to the Knuckles. In doing so, various controls are lost. Anyone using Knuckles is unable to use any controls mapped to the old Vive touchpad, so things like jumping & switching tools are impossible.

Here’s a video showcasing the input lag (in addition to a weird feature that allows me to move the camera in-game with the analog stick while in “first-person” which is a surefire way to make someone motion sick in a matter of seconds). When I open up the SteamVR menu, you can see how the controller’s position in Roblox is behind by a few frames.

If someone on the VR team (if there is one anymore) at Roblox reads this, PM me!