VR-Like Module [RELEASE!]


A new module has come-in town!
The VR-Like Module!

  • With this Module you can make VR-Like Games without a Headset!

This product may require guided assistance when setting it up. Please read the README module inside of the VR-Like Module’s Folder.

This product has been talked about on my Channel and was given a Showcase of it some months ago.

You can do lots of things with this, you only need some scripting experience and have to read the README module.

With this module and some scripting experience, you can do some stuff like:




As this is the first release of this, it might be buggy.

Download-64 Download links below

Library: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/17141942439
File: VR.rbxm (31.6 KB)
OLD Test Place: VR-Like Movement | Testing Module - Roblox


  • As I have debugged the scripts, I haven’t found any bugs so I have recorded a video on how to properly setup this.


  • E / Q [MOVE ARMS]

Leave a feedback if there are any bugs.


Hey there! I just wanted to say this is really good! Could you uncopylock the game link?

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it’s uncopylocked now


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ends up doing this

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That’s what it is supposed to do, but there may be a problem with one of the scripts,
I’ll look onto it today and will update the model.

This is quite buggy for me. Such as the gun not working, and when i use the module, it just doesnt work.

It’s a random bug, maybe because i deleted some function from the module. I am trying to fix it.

oh thats great! good to hear! also, still great job on it.

Made a setup video tho I haven’t found any bugs, so I don’t see why It won’t work for guys.

How do you ungrab an item? I need this, because i want to use it for a game.



how can you change it?
i assume its in a script, but where?

It’s In the VRModule named Script
Find “Enum.KeyCode.Backspace”
and replace Backspace with any key that you want.

do i need to give credits if i make a game with this?

Nope, it’s credits-free.
But just don’t assume that you have done the entire module :slight_smile: