VR OpenXr issue for roblox studio - can't click play button more than once

Whenever I try to click play in studio with a headset (Oculus 2) connected, and I have already clicked play this session, then the game display freezes and an output error says ‘Roblox OpenXr: checkXrResult failed OpenXr call’. I have to restart studio after every single time I click play.
SteamVr’s saying that I need to plug my headset into the same graphics card or whatever, I’m not sure if that’s related.

What do I do!? Are other people having this problem? I can’t post in bugs category since I don’t have access.


I’ve tried reinstalling roblox.

For me, I have to unplug the HDMI cable when I’m going to use Studio. Otherwise it’ll open it in SteamVR…

Can you elaborate? This sounds promising.

When I open studio with the headset plugged in, it’ll boot up steamVR, thinking I’m launching a VR title. So I have to unplug it before launching it

So you plug the headset in, then before opening studio you unplug it? Can you tell me the exact step by step way you do it.

No, no. I’m NOT trying to join through VR. My headset is just plugged in. But because of that, when I go in studio it launches in VR.

So you never intended to use studio in the first place.

Huh? No, I’m trying to use Studio. But not VR. I don’t know how else I could possibly explain this

Sorry, I should of clarified. I understand that you meant to open studio normally without vr enabled. Anyways, do you have an idea of any fixes to the OpenXr issue? Or do you anyone or anywhere that could hold the answer?

Right now my plan is to edit the game in plain old no-vr studio, and then test the game on the official oculus app.

Maybe there’s a setting in studio for opening it with or without VR. I’m not sure about your problem, I don’t have an Oculus, I have a valve index

In the Virtual Desktop Streamer app go to options, then set the OpenXR Runtime from “Auto” or “SteamVR” to “VDXR”.

Now, launch roblox studio WITHOUT steamvr because you’re using VD’s runtime instead.

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for my VR project, i basically can only use steamvr.
but for some reason roblox studio does not like steamvr AT ALL

This has been a problem for more than 4 years now. I can’t stand it.

still doesnt make sense why roblox would default to openxr even when your openxr runtime is steamvr
i either have to use a cable and manage the oculus software (which never gets updated) or just not make a vr game at all