[VSA] | Callette Directorate


"Forza Eterna"



  • No Clanware Exploiters will be accepted
    • In the event of a side facilitating cheaters, the event will either be restarted or voided.
    • We reserve the right to consider specific instances of legacy cases as applicable.
  • Admin abuse from either side will not be tolerated.
    • In the event of a side admin abusing, the event will be voided / an auto-win can be claimed.
  • Verbal abuse and violations of Roblox ToS will result in a user’s immediate removal without prior warning.


A. Easy Mode

Easy mode is exclusively accessible to superclans that do not put much prowess on the elite scalability of their members. Such a mode will not be given out to the average sword clan. However, an exception will be made for potential gun clans trying to experiment with sword clanning.
First Phase
  • Rollback
    • 2 Seconds During Gameplay
    • 5 Seconds During Overtime
  • Gameplay Time
    • 400 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 15 Minutes Gameplay Time (plus OT)
Second Phase
  • Rollback
    • 2 Seconds During Gameplay
    • 5 Seconds During Overtime
  • Gameplay Time
    • 800 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 30 Minutes Gameplay Time (plus OT)

B. Normal Mode

Normal Mode is the mode that all clans will start off using at Callette. While it's not too different from easy mode, it punishes mistakes substantially more and leaves no room for error: especially when going into overtime.
First Phase
  • Rollback
    • 3 Seconds During Gameplay
  • Gameplay Time
    • 400 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 15 Minutes Gameplay Time (plus OT)

During overtime, the terminal will shift from rollback to reset. In essence, if the Versian defenders capture the terminal once in overtime, the event concludes.

Second Phase
  • Rollback
    • 3 Seconds During Gameplay
  • Gameplay Time
    • 800 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 30 Minutes Gameplay Time (plus OT)

During overtime, the terminal will shift from rollback to reset. In essence, if the Versian defenders capture the terminal once in overtime, the event concludes.

C. Hard Mode

Hard mode is intended to make the focus of Callette a substantial challenge for the upper echelon clans that may find normal mode too easy to win at, due to their overwhelming numbers or superior sword fighting acumen. This mode holds no forgiveness for any slight mistake and all of your efforts can be made obsolete in a short moment.
First Phase
  • Reset
  • Gameplay Time
    • 400 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 20 Minutes Gameplay Time (plus OT)
Second Phase
  • Reset
  • Gameplay Time
    • 800 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 45 Minutes Gameplay Time (plus OT)

D. Endurance Mode

Endurance mode favours clans that like to put their priority on effort and discipline atop exclusively skill. To win at endurance mode requires plenty of willpower to stay throughout such a long period of gameplay and there's a very limited demographic who are willing to push to the challenge of trying to endure such a long period of gameplay.
First Phase
  • Rollback

    • 3 Seconds During Gameplay
  • Gameplay Time

    • 400 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • 1 Hour Gameplay Time

There is no overtime for first phase, and it is expected that you should take home Endurance mode with relative ease. The true endurance remains in second phase.

Second Phase
  • Rollback

    • 3 Seconds During Gameplay
  • Gameplay Time

    • 3500 Seconds Terminal Capture
    • No time limit

In essence, the event won’t end until there’s a declared winner at the end of it.

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