VTL Rules and Guidelines

Any Changes are Justfied, Any Complaints can be added.

A1 - All Members must be Respectful to their Superiors.
A2 - No Members should be seen without uniform on VTL Bases.
A3 - No member should wear Custom uniforms unless they have a class W rank or higher.
A4 - All members have complete freedom to wear packages, but only if their uniforms is visible.
A5 - No member should be seen in a higher rank uniform unless that member has the same rank.
A6 - No member should wear any t-shirt under any circumstances unless permitted to do so.

B1 - It is highly prohibited to use “EXPLOITS”, if You are seen using this type of Program, you will be permanently banned from the VTL group.
B2 - No one can insult, swear, or have a Visitor do something.
B3 - All Members must address their Superiors with “Sir” or “Ma’am”
B4 - No Member should ask to have a high rank or possibly admin.

Category D = Disabled

All Rules listed so far have been the most essential,
The following will be given to improve participation in our training, but similarly, noncompliance will result in Exile or, in the future, a ban.


T1 - No Trainee may use the term “PTS” more than 5 consecutive times.
T2 - No Member should complain about the Training method that a Trainer imposes.
T3 - All members must make whatever commands the coach tells them to do.
T4 - All Members Must Respect RX Ranks or Higher.

Training Assistant:

TA1 - No Training Assistant shall use his weaponry on other members for no reason, only if the Member does not comply with the guidelines presented by the Trainer.
TA2 - The Maximum number of TA allowed is 2
TA3 - Trainer doesn’t need TAs to host a Training.

Trainer [Host]:

H1 - You must host at least 2 trainings per week
H2 - It is highly forbidden to ban or kick a VTL Member for no reason, of course if the Member does something very serious, you will have complete freedom to perform such an attitude.
H3 - The Trainer decides if anyone of the same rank can be Co-Host, of course, always respecting the following rule.
H4 - Co-Trainers cannot use admin or system commands [Doors and Maps], only if the trainer allows it.
H5 - The instructor should always remember to do the promotions section at the end of the training, of course if you have any members eligible for a promotion.

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