W001: Unknown Global Error?

Hi, any help would be appreciated!

I want to check if the player already owns the shirts & if they do, make a gui appear but if they don’t then give them a shirt.

It errors & says: attempt to index nil with ‘Name’ & the word clothes has an error: W001: Unknown Global ‘clothes’

I looked for solutions on the Developer Hub & have experimented by changing the script for hours but it’s still not working.

local cost = 10 -- Cost of the crate

local crateModule = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("CrateModule2")) -- Other Crate Script

script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(player) -- If crate is bought then
	if player.leaderstats.Gold.Value >= 10 then -- check they have enough money

		player.leaderstats.Gold.Value = player.leaderstats.Gold.Value - cost -- and spend it.
		local counter = 1
			local clothes = crateModule.chooseRandomClothes() -- Run other script (it will pick a random shirt)
			print(clothes.Value.Value.." "..clothes.Colour.Value.." Shirt has been selected!")
			wait(0.5) -- Wait 0.5 seconds so studio doesn't crash.
			counter += 1 -- add 1 on to the counter
		until player.ClothesInventory:FindFirstChild(clothes.Name) == nil or counter >= 18 -- If you already own the shirt then check if you own the other 18 shirts
		if player.ClothesInventory:FindFirstChild(clothes.Name) == nil then -- Here is the error, it says: attempt to index nil with 'Name' & the word clothes has an error: W001: Unknown Global 'clothes'
			-- if the player doesn't already own the shirt then give them the shirt
		elseif counter >= 18 then -- if they own all the shirts then
			-- make a gui appear & give their money back

I’m sorry if this is confusing, if you have any questions please let me know.
Thank you for any help you can offer

The clothes variable is local to the repeat body so it’s not accessible to any code outside of the repeat body. Declare the variable outside and assign it in the repeat body. This will allow you to use it with the if statement below the repeat loop.

local counter = 1
local clothes

    clothes = crateModule.chooseRandomClothes()
    -- etc
until -- etc

if -- etc
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Thank you so much, you’ve made my day!