Wait For All Players to Respawn

How would I tell the script to wait until everyone respawns then open door (for example).

Potential solutions I have are:

  • Check that all the players are within the radius of spawn (might not be the best, waiting for laggy users)

  • Collect all the players and LoadCharacter untested but sounds promising

  • Just respawn everyone and wait a given time before “opening the door”

I appreciate any help, normally I would try until I fail but I am time limited right now. I did check the forum before posting this, it was a quick check though

A Working Solution:

I have this inside a ModuleScript but you can configure it to whatever you see fit.

-- Edit including information from Forummer's comment
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

Module.RespawnAndWait = function()
     for _,plr in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
		task.wait(1) -- this will cause a wait during the loop
    task.wait(1) --the wait should go here (if one is necessary) it'll occur after the loop ends
	print("All respawned") -- when everyone has respawned...

I don’t exactly feel comfortable marking my own answer as the solution, marked it after reading comments. :blush:

I think your 2nd option is best. When a player joins, add it in a table. When that player has loaded, store it in a new table for loaded players. Then check that both the waiting and loaded tables are the same. That is how I would go about it, personally.


Just finished all my other tasks.

It was actually quite easy and doesn’t require much.

local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- as Forummer pointed out

Module.RespawnAndWait = function()
     for _,plr in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
    -- you can place task.wait(#) here. (After all the players are respawned, wait, then print)
	print("All respawned") -- when everyone has respawned...

This isn’t exactly what I have (I have sanity checks), this is just the outline draft

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

Module.RespawnAndWait = function()
	for _, plr in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
	task.wait(1) --the wait should go here (if one is necessary) it'll occur after the loop ends
	print("All respawned")

Integrating the PlayersService into the local environment allows it to be accessed faster, the ipairs() iterator is typically faster at traversing over the elements of an array as opposed to the pairs() iterator. Finally, the yielding can occur after the loop has completed not after each single iteration/cycle of the loop.

GetPlayers() is faster than GetChildren() as it only looks for player objects.


It’s good to mark a solution even if you resolved it yourself.

Solutions help other developers find answers to similar questions. It also helps clear up the forum.

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Your solution is what I was thinking of, you should use your own solution.

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I agree, I replaced my variable with it for the example. I do access the service beforehand.